Chapter 21

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The air pricked with static, a charge of power so strong that many still whimpered on the ground. After a minute of such a dark presence, the wolves held their positions, tears streaming down their faces. Meanwhile Eóghan, other Betas, and Alphas who could withstand the influence shot towards the source.

It took Duskfalls Beta all of two seconds to scent Nathan. With renewed vigor, he stormed towards the upper floor of the packhouse- leading the cautious males behind him who were more than hesitant to enter the Devils lair.

"Alpha?" He called, opening and closing doors in swift succession, "Alpha...... Titania?!"

"I told you she'd gone mad," Alfonso commented, a dark look from Eóghan, however, had him buttoning his lip.

Lithuanian Alpha Filip shook his head and muttered to Alfonso, sick of his childish attitude. The friendly man did not tolerate how the other Alpha was treating his host, and since becoming more in tune with his inner wolf he could not stop but growl warningly at the male he once respected.

"I told you to shut-up. This is not the time to be making smart remarks about my Alpha."

Alfonso had a retort at the top of his tongue for Eóghan but was silenced at an almighty roar that shook the very foundations of the cabin. Another brief pause from the men as they held their heads with their hands, nothing but darkness attempting to smother their souls. The wave passed and they did not falter when they thundered up the stairs or when Eóghan threw his body through the door but the sight before them...they couldn't stop becoming frozen in their tracks.

Nathan cowered in the furthest corner of the room. His hands covering his face and body bent so far over in a submissive pose. The males eyed his scantily dressed form and the multiple bleeding wounds along his breastbone; his eyes filled to the brim with fear. Brown swirling with not one ounce of the arrogance that it would usually contain, oh no. His gaze focused pointedly at the dark mass stalking towards him.

Titania filled the room. Her influence not letting anyone breathe properly as authority, power and an off note pitch of deadly anger saturated the room; flavoring the air with a dangerous hint of burnt whiskey. Titania was in wolf form but Eóghan immediately sensed that something was off.

Her posture was on offense, every hair pin-pricked to attention. Her bedraggled appearance and scars only adding to her intimidation. A pulled back snout that revealed sharp teeth, glinting tauntingly with blood and saliva and a body positioned in aggression towards Nathan who continued to shake as the feral looking wolf continued to snarl.

Even with the newcomers in the room, her eyes stayed on her prey and it was then that Eóghan scented the undercurrent of another female and the colour of Titania's eyes.

"Holy mother of God...." Alfonso muttered, which caused Titania's eyes to swivel to the intruders. 


A black so deep and dark that the men flinched outright.

An unforgiving abyss of untamed wilderness.

There was no recognition in her eyes at all and even when Eóghan bent his neck and called out to her all she did was growl threateningly, her wolf too disoriented in the moment to notice her own Beta. Titania's body stayed on edge and prepared to take a chunk out of whoever was closest. The wolves were at a loss of what to do.

With a mournful sigh, Eóghan came to the conclusion that Titania had come to her capacity. She was lost. He gave the males behind a sign to move back cautiously, as not to scare the animal but Titania's focus had gone back to the panicked male in the corner. Once again catching the enticing scent of fear, the predator attacked and not a second later she got a hold of Nathan's arm. Ripping into it ferociously. No sense of humanity left in her soul.

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