Chapter 34

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Time seemed to slow down.

Lucy's wolf was at the forefront. It flashed dangerously in her eyes as it emphasised and influenced the rage it felt from being denied for so long. It was time. Time to claim what was hers after waiting for what seemed like an eternity. Instincts could not be ignored and her wolf was pushing, clawing at its confines. A wild wolf listened to the primal within, and after watching her mate with a man not deserving, her lip curled.

She had trained, endlessly. She had prepared. Her wolf had bided its time but enough was enough. The wild wanted what truly belonged to her.

With shrewd eyes, she marched forwards, before the greying Alpha Lumiere made his way to his match, she caught Brett's eye. The raw emotion coursing through her wolf was clear for anybody to see; pain, torment and desperation. Swirling dark and deadly and as a wild wolf himself, he recognised the need to fight.

Understanding her body language, he nodded his head towards her as she walked towards the ring. He whispered to Alpha Lumiere who looked between Lucy's dark gaze and Beta Adam, sensing the one-way hatred. He left the ring as muttering descended throughout the watching wolves; only one wolf watched on in horror as her mate and bond mate entered the ring.

"What's happening Brett?" Adam's oblivious expression showed his surprise, especially when a resentful, blue-haired teen appeared in front of him. He had seen the newly appointed tracker around Duskfall but the pointed anger confused him. He looked back to a fearful Marigold but froze when Lucy's possessive growl filled the cabin; dark, deep and demanding.

"Don't look at her."

He slowly turned his head back to Lucy and really looked at her. The curled lip, the bared teeth, the dark, festering anger in her eyes, and the peeking claws. It clicked five seconds later and his eyes reflected her own; matching fire with fire.

"She's my mate! How dare you talk to me like that." He growled, throwing his Beta dominance to her. She stood still as it washed right over her, like a small ripple in a puddle. His domesticated wolf was truly no match for her.

Taking a step forward she snarled, "Watch me, you weak wolf." Her chest puffed, "Watch me take her from you."

Sensing that the fight was about to begin, Brett moved backwards. "The winner is the wolf who gets the other to submit, trì, dhà, aon. Fight!" He roared in Gaelic, the crowd coming to life when the fighting began.

Noticing Nathan's scathing glare, Brett rolled his eyes at the immaturity of the male and joined Eóghan who had just entered the cabin. They were watching with sharp eyes as the wolves fought, both noting the strengths and weaknesses of each wolf, for a leader never truly stopped strategizing.

Lucy did her own analysis of Beta Adam as he tried to intimidate her. He puffed his chest out and used his height to leer down at her; his mouth in a mean smile. She repaid him, not so kindly, with a rumble from her chest as her canines protruded from her gums. They circled each other, resentment burning. Marigold watched with sombre eyes as two of the most important people in her life fought. She knew, deep down, that this wouldn't end with submission but rather death and with that thought, a traitorous tear slipped down her face. Then another until her eyes were streaming.

Lucy's eyes softened as they regarded her mate full on weeping. It broke her, but Lucy knew this day was coming. Beta or not, Marigold would be her mate. At last.

Noticing that Lucy was once again staring at Marigold, Beta Adam lost it. She was his prize and would be for the rest of his life. Two years going on twenty. They would not be lost to this bitch.

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