Chapter 30

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Snowflakes fell. Blanketing the mountainous land in crisp snowfall. Winter had peaked its head and announced its entrance. Cold wind blew, and spending any amount of time in human form could pose the threat of frostbite. 

With his hands tied with the complaints from the other packs, Eóghan's weary eyes took over Duskfall pack lands. It was early December, one of the harshest months for Scottish climate and that came with commotion between the packs used to the sun shining with a blue sky; not mist, snow and an icy breeze that could cause any grown man to hesitate. Argus was aiding him with training but Eóghan still felt the weight crushing down on his shoulders. He was not meant to be Alpha. Yet here he was.

His morning had consisted of phone calls from Scottish Alpha's Rhuiri, Eoun and Fraser. He knew time wasn't on their side when he heard that the Rosevelt pack was on route to Duskfall. A week at most. A week to find Titania, train the warriors and protect the pack, all while surviving the frozen temperatures. 

A knock came to his oak doors, jilting him out of the negative and stressful turn his thoughts were taking. Continuing to observe the increasing snowfall, Eóghan didn't turn around. "Enter."

A young warrior pushed the door open holding a wolf by his arm. At the scent of blood tinting the once still air, Eóghan raised a copper brow.

"I caught him on Duskfall lands Alp..." Eóghan scowled and the warrior quickly amended himself. "Beta. Should I throw him in the dungeons?" He spat at the familiar wolf that sported a black eye and multiple cuts.

Nathan caught his breath and struggled against the man, but to little avail. Nathan was athletically built while the Duskfall warrior was like a mountain itself. Unmoving, uncaring and built like stone.

He was disappointed that Nathan had left his cabin without permission but was not surprised at his level of stupidity, Eóghan motioned for the warrior to leave him. This stubborn wolf simply did not learn. He had a whole pack after his throat yet he dared show himself? Eóghan sighed deeply, pinching his brow. As if he didn't have enough to think about already. Nathan made his way to the leather seat opposite the desk while Eóghan gathered the will not to have a piece of Nathan himself, his wolf was certainly for the idea.

"Nathan what do you need?"

Fire alit within the man as he wiped blood that was dripping from a cut into his eye, "I know I've fucked up-"

"Understatement." Eóghan cut in.

Not denying the statement Nathan continued, "But I want to help in one way or another, this is...well was my pack and my wolf is restless knowing that I'm secluded at the Eastern border."

Although he could see the sincerity in Nathan's hazel eyes, Eóghan couldn't help the bitterness that seeped into his tone. With tiredness came irritability and Eóghan had come to his wits end. How had Titania coped?  he wondered.

"You do realise there's a reason for you to be isolated." He started dryly, "If you had stepped up earlier, stopped fooling around and actually cared about Titania and the pack then we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Instead, I'm sat here, organising a pack I've been apart of for a decade for the possibility for all out war and to top the cherry on the fucking cake...."

"Winter is finally here." He finalised, walking towards the window. "Do you know what that means?"

Nathan slightly shrunk back but shook his head. "No I don't but..."

"It means that death is imminent. In a pack winter is manageable as long as we have the resources. But Duskfall are without its true Alpha, have four more packs to host; with none of those packs ever experiencing a winter as deadly as this and we are vulnerable."

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