Prom pt 1(Leonetta)

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*Before I start this one shot I will have to put Him Or Him on hold for a while but it will be back so on Mondays and Thursdays this one shot book will be updated*

Leon's P.O.V

Emma: Leon, mom has your tux in your closet

Leon: thanks mom

Lisa: no problem sweetheart, so who are you taking to prom??

Leon: I don't know, the guys and I are supposed to be performing all night

Emma: well maybe you could take Violetta

Lisa: yes,Violetta is a nice girl and you guys have a lot of things in common

Leon: me and Violetta are just friends

Emma: do you feel that way

Leon: yes,no, I don't know but Violetta doesn't like me like that

Vilu's P.O.V

Fran: Vilu just pick a color

Vilu: blue

Fran: already picked that

Vilu: orange

Cami: picked it

Vilu: red

Naty: picked it

Vilu: black

Ludmi: I picked it

Vilu: baby pink

Cami: finally you picked a color

Vilu: sorry guys, I'm just not really excited about prom

Ludmi: why Vilu??

Vilu: I don't think I want to go plus I have no date

Fran: what about Leon?? (Smiled)

Naty: yeah, you two have been spending a lot of time together (wiggled her eyebrows)

Vilu: Girls we're only friends plus I don't think he feels the same way

Ludmi: you never unless you try

Cami: so you should ask him

Vilu: no, I'm good

20 minutes later...

After the girls left I ate dinner and did my homework and fell asleep

Fran's P.O.V

Fran: Guys we have to get Violetta and Leon together no matter what, So since we all have the same classes make sure your partners with someone else and make sure they sit next to each other

Naty: ok

Ludmi: yeah, let's do this I can't stand my sister right now since she said she's not excited about prom

Emma: and my dumba*s of a brother won't even ask her

After we parted we heard the bell ring so we all went to our class which was chemistry so we all sat in partners so it was like

Francesca & Diego

Ludmila & Federico

Camila & Broduey

Andre & Emma

Natalia & Maxi

Once Violetta and Leon walked in Violetta gave us a "Your So dead" look and Leon gave the boys a "Really" look

At Lunch...

Fran: So Vilu, did you ask Leon??

Vilu: no

Naty: why not??

Cami: did he ask someone else??

Ludmi: girls let Vilu finish

Vilu: as I was saying, I didn't ask Leon because he asked me

Emma: what??When

Vilu: during French when you guys purposely made us sit together

Cami: When, I didn't here anything and I was behind you guys

Naty: and I was in front of you guys

Vilu: he asked me in French

Cami: that's why I couldn't understand you two

Ludmi: but he asked her in French

Girls: Aw!!

At least our plan worked...I think it did
• I hope you liked this oneshot

• Should I make a part 2 about they're prom

• Have a nice day

- Amani😴😴

Jortini,Leonetta & Violetta One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now