Of Course pt 1 (Fedmila)

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Fede's P.O.V

Vilu: Fede your actually going to do it??

Fede: yes

Vilu: does she even know your here??

Fede: no she thinks I'm still on the plane with guys

Vilu: but you have a show tonight,then in Brazil,then your ending your tour Chile so when are you going to ask her??

Fede: I'm going to ask her tonight

Vilu: I have the perfect idea

Fede: what is it??

Vilu: After the show you guys go on a date night since your going to be leaving in 2 days

Fede: that's a great idea and then once we get home I'll ask her

Vilu: (hugged Fede) I can't believe this is happening

German: what's happening??

Vilu: Dad Fede's going to

Naty's P.O.V ( I switched P.O.V's for a reason)

Naty: so did Federico call you??

Ludmi: no, he said that his plane was delayed

Naty: that sucks

Ludmi: yeah,did you call Maxi??

Naty: yeah he say that their plane was a hour delaye 10 minutes ago

Vilu: (came in Naty's room) hey girls

Ludmi: hey Vilu

Naty: how are you??

Vilu: good,did you hear the boys plane got delayed

Naty: yeah looks like we can't see them before the show

Ludmi: that really sucks but I have a hair appointment so I'll see you two later

Vilu: ok see you later Ludmi

Naty: see you later Ludmi

Ludmi: (left the room)

Vilu: so you know the plane right??

Naty: yeah I ordered it last night so it should be coming here

*DoorBell Rings*

Naty: now

Vilu: (laughed)

Vilu and I went downstairs and I opened the door

Delivery man: package for Natalia Vidal??

Naty: that's me (signed the board)

Delivery man: (gave Naty the box) have a good day (left)

Naty: (closed the door) it's here

Vilu: (opened the box) its so beautiful (closed the box) let's get this to Fede

Naty: let's go

Vilu: (grabbed her keys and went outside with Naty)

Naty & Vilu: (went back inside)

Naty: with the box

Vilu: now let's go (left the house with Naty...again)


· I hope you liked this one shot

· I will update later

· And I'll see you soon

- Amani

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