Just Ask Her (Naxi)

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Naty's P.O.V

Ludmi: Natalia get me water

Naty: yes Ludmi

Ludmi: and make sure it's room temperature

I walked out the music room while I was fixing Ludmila's schedule for the summer but I bumped into someone and dropped all my things so I went down to pick them up

???: here let me help you

I looked up to see Maxi

Naty: it's ok you don't have to do that Maxi

Maxi: no I insist it was my fault that you dropped your things

Naty: well I wasn't paying attention

Maxi: me neither

Naty: so I guess it was both of our faults

Maxi: yeah I guess

Naty: well I gotta go 

Maxi: me too

Naty & Maxi: (ran away in different directions)

Maxi's P.O.V

Diego: real smooth Maxi,real smooth

Andre: Do you not know how to get a girl??

Leon: Andre your still single

Fede: (laughed)

Broduey: aren't you and Ludmila having problems

Fede: (stopped laughing)

Broduey: that's what I thought

Fede: I thought you and my sister were having problems as well

Leon: me and Vilu made up yesterday

Fede: (sighed)

Diego: guys we really need help Maxi

Leon: of course we do he's been single for years

Maxi: hey

Fede: it's true

Diego: all you have to do is ask hwr, Just ask Natalia on a date

Maxi: fine I'll ask her after school

Vilu: (popped up out of nowhere with Fran) Finally!!

Boys: (jumped back)

Fran: sorry for scaring you

Leon: no problem

Vilu: Fede is that Ludmila with another guy??

Fede: (turned around) where??

Vilu: (cracked eggs on his head) that's what you get for bleaching my new dress (left with Fran)

Boys besides Fede: (laughed)

Fede: I'll be right back

After School

Naty: hey Maxi

Maxi: hey Naty

Naty: so why did you want to meet me??

Maxi: I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me

Naty: (looked around) wait me??

Maxi: (laughed) yes you

Naty: then I would love to,see you Friday (walked away)

Leon: (came out from his hiding spot with the boys) finally you got a date

Broduey: now it's time for Andre to get a date

Andre: Libby here we come

Amani: You guys make me do all this work and now I have to make another one shot soon (sighed)

Fede what!?

Amani: nothing (ran away)


· I will update later

· What ship should I do next?

· And have a great day or night

- Amani

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