Best Friends (Diecesca)

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Diego's P.O.V

Diego: what if she doesn't like me that way,I mean we are best friends

Fede: she does just ask her out

Diego: are sure??

Leon: yes (eating his cupcakes)

Vilu: (took one)

Leon: (looked at Vilu)

Vilu: (eating the cupcake) what??

Leon: you stole my cupcake

Vilu: but I'm your only cupcake

Leon: with the best kind of icing

Leon & Vilu: (kissed)

Fans: (popped out of nowhere and took pictures)

Leon: see you guys later

Leonetta: (ran away)

Boys: (ran in a different direction)

At Maxi's house

Broduey: so what's the plan?

Diego: I don't know

Fede: wait you don't have a plan to ask out Francesca??

Diego: no

Andre: why don't you just take her out to dinner at her favorite restaurant and tell her how you feel

Boys: (looked at him)

Andre: is there something on my face

Maxi: Andre when did you become so

Andre: wise

Fede: no

Andre: intelligent

Broduey: no

Maxi: so not dumb

Andre: (glared at him)

Diego: that's not a bad idea,I'm going to that

Fede: we'll do the planning just find an outfit and ask her

Diego: (took out his phone)

Broduey: in person

Diego: (put his phone away) fine (walked out the room)

Maxi: I'll make reservations

Fede: I'll tell the girls so they won't freak out and then call us

Andre: sounds good

Later That Night

Fran: Vilu the girls canceled something about a project for school

Vilu: ("coughing")

Fran: are you OK??

Vilu: no I have a fever

Fran: oh you poor thing,I'll stay here i-

Vilu: No!I mean don't waste you night on me go have fun

Fran: are you sur-

Vilu: yes I'm sure go have fun

Fran: OK see you tomorrow

Vilu: bye ("sneezes") Fran

Fran: get well Vilu (left the room and house)

Leon: (came out the closet) so Netflix

Vilu: duh

Vilu & Leon: (cuddled)

With Diecesca

Fran: Diego is it just you??

Diego: yeah the boys didn't finish their parts of the project

Fran: oh

Diego: do you mind if its just me

Fran: yeah we haven't hung out in so long

1 hour later

While Fran and Diego were having a great time that it was almost time for them go home and so they wrapped it up and drove home

Fran: I had a really good time tonight

Diego: me too

Fran: um..see you tomorrow??

Diego: tomorrow

Fran: (opened her front door)

Diego: hey Fran

Fran: (turned around) yeah?

Diego: (kissed her)

Fran: (kissed him back)

Diego: I really like you

Fran: I like you to

Diego: go on a date with me this Friday??

Fran: of course

Diego: bye my love

Fran: bye (walked in the house and went in her room)

Diego: (sat in his car)

Diego & Fran: (did a happy dance)

Fran: (got ready for bed)

Diego: (Drove off)

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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