Prom pt 2 (Leonetta)

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Vilu's P.O.V

Today is the day, I'm going to prom with Leon the Leon Vargas. Once I got home from school I took a shower,washed my hair,I put on a around my hair and I put on a robe. Then I washed my face and then I put on an avocado face mask and I let it sit

20 minutes later

After I let the face mask sit I rinsed it off and then I did my makeup and I blow dried and curled my hair. As I checked the time it was 7:50 and Leon would be here in 5 minutes so I got in my dressed and put on my heels

 As I checked the time it was 7:50 and Leon would be here in 5 minutes so I got in my dressed and put on my heels

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After putting my right heel on I grabbed my clutch and went downstairs to see dad talking to Leon

Vilu: hey Leon

Leon: hey Vilu

Angie: are you two ready for pictures??

Leon: yeah

Leon and I took a couple of pictures together and then I took some with dad and then we left

Leon: is it if we to my house??

Vilu: sure

We got in Leon's car and he drove to his house and we went inside

Emma: Vilu you look so pretty

Vilu: thank you, you do too

Lisa: picture time

Leon and I took some pictures together and then,Emma and I and Leon and Emma,Emma and her friends and then we took a group picture

10 minutes later

After taking pictures and driving to the venue we made it on time and we sat at a table right on time

Ludmi: Vilu you look so beautiful

Vilu: you do to

Since the boys would be performing the girls and I took a couple pictures together and then we danced together till it was time to announce the prom King & Queen

Mr.Wacker: can I get everyone's attention please

Everyone: (stopped talking)

Mr.Wacker: now before we announce the prom King & Queen let's thank the prom committee

Everyone: (clapped)

Mr.Wacker: now the moment you all have been waiting for the prom King & Queen is...drum roll please

Andre: (played the drums)

Mr.Wacker: is.... Violetta Castillo and Leon Vargas

Everyone: (clapped)

I went on stage and claimed my crowd with Leon and we danced together till end of the party

Leon: Vilu

Vilu: yeah??

Leon: will you be my girlfriend??

Vilu: (kissed Leon) does that answer your question??

Leon: I don't know (kissed Vilu)

Vilu: (kissed back)

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- Amani

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