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There was a lock-down at my school today. I wasn't scared because I thought it was fake. Then I found out that it wasn't fake, and they had found a note with a gun threat on it. I started to wonder what would happen if the gunman found us. Would I scream? Would I save my classmates by sacrificing myself? Would I cower in the corner and get shot? There was one question that remained in my mind. Would I be happy? I haven't been happy in so long that I actually think I forgot what it is like. My life hasn't been the easiest. It's not like my parents abused me, or the people at my school hated me. I purposefully shut other people out. I had to. If I hadn't, more people would have died. Every time I get close to someone...bad things happen.

~~~Flashback to 8th grade~~~

"Hey Aiden!" "Oh hey Gabriella." Wow. A girl actually talked to me! And just not any girl. The hottest girl in the 8th grade. She had really light blonde hair and the nicest blue gray eyes. She was perfect to me.

"Aiden...Aiden are you okay?"     "Huh?"     "Are you alright?"     "Well yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"     "I don't know. After I said hey you just kinda, zoned out and got this weird look on your face"     "Oh I did?" I said starting to blush.    "You have the cutest smile" Gabriella said starting to blush as well.

~~~End flashback~~~

I shake my head to get rid of  the thoughts. I can't keep thinking about her. It was all.. *RING RING* The bell interrupts my thoughts. Finally I can go home!

When I get home I walk past our maid, who doesn't even look up. I was about to enter my room when I heard my mom holler at me. "Aiden! Come down here please."     "Why?"     "There is someone here to speak to you!"     "Ugghh!" I stomped back down the stairs and walked past our theater room. We weren't rich but we definitely were not poor. My dad was a surgeon and my mom worked for some company that helps start other companies. They make really good money but most of it goes towards my pills and therapy. When I finally reached the living room I stopped in my tracks. "There he is" My mother said with a nervous smile. "Mom. Who is this?" I already knew the answer but I didn't want to give anything away. "This is Gabriella. Don't you remember her?" Gabriella just gave me a small smile. It pained me to look at her. To see what I had caused. It was all my fault she was like this. Her beautiful blonde hair had been replaced by short black hair. Her once mesmerizing eyes were now dull and lifeless. She was so pale and skinny now. . I could see almost every bone in her body. The worst part though, was teh scar that ran from her hairline, down across her left eye, and curved just right in order to go through her lips. That horrible hideous scar...was all my fault.


"Push me higher Aiden. Higher!" Gabriella was screaming at me with a huge smile plastered in her face. We were in my backyard on the swing set I had just gotten. Every time I pushed her higher the sunlight would catch her hair just right, making her have a wonderful halo of light around her head. I gave her one finale push. I must have pushed her sideways because the next thing I knew, her screams of laughter turned into screams of fear. Gabriella was really high of the ground when she hit the side of the swing set and fell. Her body crumpled against the ground. Unmoving. Time seemed to slow down as I just stood there looking at her body. Her right arm was twisted at an unnatural angle and her leg was gushing blood. So much blood. My mom must have heard the screams because next thing I knew she was shaking me as my dad hovered over Gabriella's body.

~~~End Flashback~~~

"Hey Aiden. Long time no see." I let out a nervous laugh, "Yeah. How is everybody?"    "Well...they are doing better. Still confused and sad though."     "Look I never meant to"     "Stop. Just...stop." Gabriella interrupted me. I think she was about to cry. "Who wants tea?" my mom chimed in. "I make a really killer tea. The secret is in the lemon."     "No thanks mom

" I say bitterly as I glare at her. Noticing this. Gabriella said, " I'll take a glass. Thanks." My mom stood up and walked into the kitchen. Leaving me alone with Gabriella. I just stood there, not wanting to sit down. Gabriella turned to me. "Why?" she asked. "Why what?"     "Don't give me that bullshit! You know exactly what I mean."     "Okay. Gabby please just calm down so I can explain." There was a long pause. "Well?! I'm waiting!" "I...


"So can you still come over after school?" It had been three weeks since the swing ordeal. Gabriella had had 12 broken bones, internal bleeding, and a huge gash on her leg. "Well...I don't think so." "Wait? Why not?!" " parents don't want me around you for awhile. They think it was your fault." "Do you think it was my fault?" I asked trying not to cry. "I have to go. I'll see you around." I watched as my only friend walked away from me. I had hurt the one person I truly cared about, and now I might lose her.

~~~End Flashback~~~

"I-I think you should leave. I'm sorry. I don't know why you came here, but you need to forget about me. About all of this." Forget!! Are you fucking kidding me Aiden? Every time I look in the goddamn mirror! am reminded of you! Of what you caused. How am I supposed to forget?" Gabriella was shaking from anger. "You need to leave now." I couldn't bring myself to meet her eyes. I was afraid of the anger and hatred I would see in them. I heard her stand up and walk to the door. There was a moment of silence. "I wish we had never met." The door slammed shut. Did she really mean that? I guess it is understandable. I did ruin her life after all. My mother came out of the kitchen and I just gave her a sad smile. She looked as if she was about to say something but then changed her mind. She just gave me a small smile instead. I walked up to my room. Each step took everything I had. I was numb. Why? Why did I have to ruin everything? I walked to my bathroom and looked at the reflection in the mirror and closed my eyes. If I could go back. I would fix everything. I would stay away from Gabby and everyone else I hurt. My cheeks felt hot and sticky. I reached up and touched them. I was crying. I looked back into the mirror. Ugly. Stupid. Diseased. Unwanted. Tainted. Ruined. All these things kept running through my mind. Next thing I knew I was punching the mirror repeatedly until my fist was bloody and covered in glass.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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