37- Neymar Jr. Is Our Couch

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Not a directioner anymore but I'm really loving this song. Good job Lou!

Btw imporant A/N at end.

Courtney p.o.v

I don't know how long I was out for,but I open my eyes to see that I'm in the living room.

No one's inside,but I hear laughter from outside.

I get up,and a wave of pain hit's my head.

"Fu*k." I cuss to myself.

I slowly get up and walk outside to see the beautiful view of the beach.

Everyone's playing outside and having fun.

I smile.

I would go outside and play but,I'm hungry so I head to the kitchen.

I guess noone ate cause all the food is there.

"Hey Courtney!" Olivia greets.

Mari and Boze were behind her.

"Hey girls. Why haven't ya ate breakfast yet?" I ask.

"After what happened we all agreed we just weren't hungry anymore." Mari tells me sitting down in front of me.

Olivia takes a sit to my right and Boze to my left.

"Well,I am hungry to so ya better join me." I joke.

They laugh amd serve themselves.

I notice a note that says my name.

I guess that's my food since it's all vegan.

"Did my kids eat already?" I ask.

"Noah sais they stuffed their faces!" Boze laughs.

"That's my twins." I laugh.

"Don't you want to know what happened to Wahlid?" Mari ask.

"I'm guessing he went to jail." I mumble.

"If you don't mind me asking  Courtney,what did Wahlid did to you?" Olivia ask.

I sigh.

"Well,when I first met him,he was nice and sh*t. But that oneday Shayne introduce himself to Wahlid as my boyfriend,after that everything changed. I pretend everything was fine between us. But it wasn't! He was a monster! He hurted me! I just don't want to remember! Let's talk about soenthing else!" I demand whipping my tears away.

"Okay! Uh,what do you want to talk about?" Boze ask giving me a napkin.

All of a sudden,I remeber what Shayne and I witness.

It's either she tells us or I'll have to force it out of her.

"Olivia,now that it's just us girls talking,I saw something that made me really wonder. So just please tell the truth." I start.

Olivia gives me a confused face and so thoes Mari and Boze.

"Are you pregnant Olivia?" I ask.

Olivia face goes paler than it already is.

"Just tell the truth Olivia."

She starts stuttering.

"N-no. W-hy?" She ask.

"Oh,so please explain that ring on your finger,that I finally noticed. Explain that small baby bump. Explain why Shayne and I found you and Noah on the balcony. Noah confessing his love,and you tell him you're marrying James,even though you love him."

How Deep Is Your Love -Shourtney Fanfiction [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now