Chapter 4

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I glare wide-eyed in disbelief as the two strange people battle the clawed monster. They slice with their foreign blades, in such a practiced way that they seem like demigods. Mesmerized, I think, another demigod camp? Seriously? But then I think, no that can't be possible, because they would have helped us with the giant war... right? I know that I really should be helping them right now, but they are doing quite a fine job on their own. So what could they be?

I swing my Yankees cap over my head, which, luckily, has regained its magic. Glazing at my hand, I watch as it abrubtly vanishes. I've always wondered: does the magic of the cap make me completely blend into my surroundings, or does it make me completely transparent? Off topic, Annabeth. Focus. Right. Back to discovering the mystery of the peculiar tattooed people.

I saunter over to them, so I can closely observe (a.k.a. eavesdrop) on them. They neatly finish off the monster, and I almost want to clap...

But before I know it, the first monster has somehow reformed, and three new monsters have somehow appeared... how is this possible? Gaea is at deep rest for (what should be) a long time. This is not good...

I sprint to join the war, swiftly swiping my blade from my pocket, which is actually quite difficult when invisible, but I've had practice. The strange people are overpowered now... their strong demigod-like fighting skills have been penetrated by the force of four monsters.

"PERCY!" I decide to call, for two reasons: 1) to distract the monsters from the people, & 2) because Percy would be quite helpful right now. "PERCY!"

The monsters suddenly ditch the strange people, who are now lying on the ground, panting, and I'm unsure whether they are unconcious or not.

Now, the four monsters come stampeding in my direction. The "attracting attention to me" idea doesn't seem that wise, however, I'm invisible, and that surely confuses the crap out of those four monsters. Wait... make that three monsters, and... Cerberus? I catch sight of the unforgettable three headed dog, bewildered. How did it get out of the Underworld? Does it have anything to do with why the other monster reformed? I know that monsters generally go straight to Tartarus, but it still could be interconnected.

The monsters have nearly reached me, so I efficiently dart out of the way. I play a little game of "dodge the monsters" for a bit, as they try to catch me by following my sounds and scent. Stupid scent of demigods. I could try to eliminate my noises, but I could never completely mask my scent. I would try and fight the monsters with my blade, but that would be idiotic; I'm clearly outnumbered. At most I can take on maybe two monsters at once, depending on the monsters. I'm a stronger force to be reckoned with when I'm with Percy.

The monsters have nearly lost their interest, and they seem to want to go back to attacking the other people, so I start egging them on. The odd people are back on their feet, and it's their turn to glare in bafflement.

"That's right! Try and catch me! Bet you can't!" I holler. That cranks their anger and annoyance up to the next level. Suddenly, my eyes land sight on a rope dog toy a few feet ahead in the grass. Aaaa, the joys of central park. Adrenaline pulsing, I race over to it, and snatch it from the grass.

Still running from the stampede, I yell, "Hey Cerberus, fetch!" and chuck the toy with all my might. I see Cerberus happily start to gallop over to the toy, but not for long.

A tsunami of water lurks over us, about to crash.





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