Chapter 2

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Annabeth POV


Central Park is beautiful.

Ever since the giant war, it is hard not to think about everyday miracles like that. Everything is so calm, peaceful, and undisturbed. Thoughts of all the wars I've seen still barge through my mind, but I can push them away with my recent happiness. There have still been monsters, but nothing Percy and I haven't been able to handle.


I'm going to visit him now at The Lake. Yes, the lake is actually called "The Lake." Stupid, I know. He was hanging out with his mother earlier today, and now we are meeting up to have a delightful picnic. Sandwiches are packed away in the Camp Half-Blood backpack that sits on my shoulders.


I abruptly turn, and my blonde ponytail whips my face. What was that? I subconsciously feel for my dagger at my side for reassurance. It must have been nothing, I am just paranoid.

Startled, I continue trotting to my destination. I can tell the gods are happy. The trees are a perfect shade of green, the sun is shining, there is not a cloud in the blue sky, and life flourishes around me. I can even tell Aphrodite is in a good mood, for there are smiling couples all around me! I wonder how my mother is doing. I haven't seen her since right after the giant war, and thankfully we are now on good terms again...

"EEEK!" I hear mortals squeal in the distance. I turn to the left. It came from behind this set of oak trees.

I quickly dart through the trees, to the source of shrieks. My premonition earlier must have not just been paranoia. I pass several injured bodies lying on the ground in pain. There has been an attack, oh no....

Finally, up ahead, I spot giant monster. Three mortals cringe behind a bench, two mortals lie bloody on the ground, but two other strange mortals pull out blades, looking ready to fight. One is a red-headed girl, and the other is a blonde boy, both with strange tattoos. Odd.

I try not to think about the unlucky mortals.
I try not to think about the fact that some of them might die.
I try not to think about Percy.
I must handle this before it gets worse.



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