Chapter 6

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Sorry about not updating. I'm a very lazy person. ~Rachel


After the demons ran off after whoever called for whoever this "Percy" may be, Jace and I took a moment to regroup.

"What were those?" I exclaim.

"I have no idea. I have read through the demonology textbooks at least 20 times, yet I have never read about any of those strange creatures. We will have to alert the Clave about this occurrence. Maybe the Silent Brothers will know something." Jace replied.

"What about Tessa Gray? Since she is part of the Spiral Labyrinth, she must know something. Maybe she will agree to meet with us." I said.

"Either way, we will have to report this. It is definitely not normal, and it looks like something Valentine or Sebastian would do, but that's impossible. They're both dead. " Jace continued.

Deep in conversation, we hadn't noticed the sudden change in events. Over the tip of the trees, a large force of water was heading directly towards us. In front of it, a seemingly human girl and boy stood. The boy had his arms up and was staring deeply at the growing mass of water, as if he was controlling it. Is he a warlock? I strain my eyes to see any kind of warlocks mark, but I see none that are visible. Near these two people, the demons lay low to the ground and make rasping noises. They look as if they are preparing to leap onto the two concentrating people. Jace and I see this, so we share a lets-go-help-them look before dashing to the people's aid. Jumping in front of the giant 3-headed dog, I decapitate all 3 heads with Jace's help. Expecting it to die, Jace and I swiftly run onto the next demon, constantly aware of the unnatural looming body of water. Once again, I said that we only EXPECTED the dog demon to die, so it was a very nasty surprise when we reached the next demon and a loud growl echoed from behind us. Turning around, we see that the dog-demon has reformed.

"Is that even possible!?" I yell to Jace. "It shouldn't of reformed unless if this is its home dimension, which is near impossible. I don't think I've ever heard of demons being born on our planet. There's definitely something going on here." Jace hurriedly replied, whilst dodging the now very angry dog.

Seeing how much trouble Jace is having warding the dog off, I realize now that even Jace and I working together can't fight these demons without help. We are simply outnumbered.

Looking around, I spot the strange warlock-people, and lock eyes with the blonde-haired girl. In her pocket, I can see the tell-tale lump of a weapon, indicating that she must be some sort of fighter. Before I can even open my mouth to ask for help, she is running towards us, wielding a shimmering knife as she jumps onto a demon. I know now that she can't be a Shadowhunter, considering that her blade is not angelic, even if it still looks powerful. Also, she doesn't have the grace-like battle skills of a Shadowhunter, but the force of a brute warrior.

In a flash, the dog-demon is dead, it's heart punctured several times, and she and Jace have moved on. Looking back at the boy the girl was with, I can see him still concentrating behind us. As I look back, I see that the wave of water has doubled in size.

Distracted while thinking of a battle strategy, I hear Jace's warning call a little too late. Spinning around, I see that another one of the demons has approached me, and is ready to pounce onto me with it's barbed tail. I am 90% sure that the barbs are poisonous. If I have any hope of surviving, I need to get out fast.

Suddenly, the demon is airborne, seconds away from landing onto me. I was not fast enough. But, that is when the mass of water comes pounding down, dragging the demon away and pulling me down into a swirl of darkness.


This chapter is dedicated to Perlal01, who inspired me to finally write my part. And again, I am very sorry for not updating.


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