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Becky: Thank you for coming to talk with us, Mr. Isban.

RI: No problem. It is your pleasure.

Em: How did you start your Camel Counting Company?

RI: Please, call it CCC. Someone and I decided to create a company that would better the lives of those poor camel farmers by counting the camels for them.

Dani: Uh...and what is this "someone's" name?

RI: *sinks back into couch*

Becky: Oh, sir, if you don't want to tell us we can just ask a different question.

RI: No. It's my job as the one being interviewed to tell you all of my secrets.

Em: We're all ears.

RI: His name is - *dramatic silence*

Dani: *leans forward*

RI: Rafidio Isboon!

Em: 😂

Dani: 😵

Becky: 😕

RI: He is such a copycat! He has been copying me since birth! It is so annoying! He even paints his camels to look like mine! He even paints himself orange to match my skin tone!

Dani: *coughs to conceal laugh* Sir, calm down.

Becky: Well, my mom always said that if someone is copying you they probably admire your work and look up to you.

RI: Doesn't make it right! No one should be copying me!

Becky: Maybe we should get back to the interview.

Dani: But I want to learn more about Rafidio Isboon!

Em: Yeah! High-five!

Becky: *whispers* Guys, stop! *clears throat* Anyways, sorry Mr. Isban. I'll just go ahead and ask the next question. How has the CCC made an impact in lives of camel farmers on the moon?

RI: Well, it's enabled the farmers to better sell and raise their camels. But most importantly, I've become very famous.

Dani: Okay...

RI: Well, I should be going now. I have autographs to go home and sign. *walks out of room*

Em: *suppresses laughter* Rafidio Isboon. *collapses onto floor laughing*

Dani: I want to watch the tape! *jumps up to get it ready*

Becky: Hopefully the book turns out better than the interview.

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