Chapter 1: Same Old, Same Old

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Penny POV

Penny Brown looked towards what would be the same old day. She sighed looking towards the horrible breakfast her Uncle Gadget had made. It wasn't his fault he couldn't cook. It was just she wished he would stop trying. It would kill her and Brain, she sweared. Today's "delicious" breakfast were pancakes so burnt, they were like charcoal and some scrambled eggs that had bits of eggshells in them. She glanced at her dog, Brain. Worry was in his eyes. She gulped and smiled at her Uncle who was waiting for her to take the first bite. She slowly raised the burnt pancake to her mouth and was about to take a bite....

"Good morning, Gadget!" Chief Quimby's head popped out of the oven.

Gadget turned around, "Why good morning Chief! I didn't know you lived in our oven!"
While Brain face-palmed, Penny took the opportunity to throw away her food in the trash. But before she closed the lid, she saw the pancakes again and their color..... They reminded her of Talon's dark brown eyes. She sighed and thought dreamily about him. His smile, and smirk and-
Suddenly, she shook her head out of the clouds. What was she thinking?!?! Talon was the enemy! Not only that but her arch nemesis! She sighed unhappily, if only he didn't work for his Uncle. She blinked. Not that that changed anything! Of course she didn't like him...... And his strong, muscular arms...... She pinched herself. Focus on Chief, Penny! Luckily. she caught the last piece.

"So Gadget, MAD has almost finished making a weapon that will be able to make any emotion they wish on a person stronger than ever! Intel suggests they might drive everyone MAD! So your mission is to go undercover as MAD's newest recruits, find the weapon and any intel you can find and shut it down! This message will self-destruct."

"Don't worry Chief! You can count on us!" Uncle Gadget begins to walk away and tosses the HQ ball back at the Chief.

It explodes on his face... Just like always. She cracked her knuckles. Well, even though I know I'll win in the end, I can at least beat Talon's butt. She followed her Uncle and Brain out of the room.

Talon POV


I knew that voice. I climbed out of bed from my beauty sleep.

"Good morning to you too." I grumbled under my breath.

I got ready and ran to the bathroom to finish up the most important thing: My hair.

"TALON! WHAT IS TAKING YOU SO LONG! I CALLED YOU 2 HOURS AGO!" Dr. Claw yelled from his "lair room".

"Geez! You don't have to get your claw in a twist! I was only doing my most important thing today!" I said entering the room.

Besides fighting Penny. I thought.

"Being evil?" My Uncle said hopefully.

"No, my hair!" I said combing my fingers through the gelled up, dark purple spikes.

And Penny. I thought then inwardly groaned, Pretty Penny had been occupying my mind a bit too much lately for my taste.

"Who's Penny?" Uncle Claw asked.

I jerked to attention. I accidentally said that outloud! But it bothered me that Uncle C is still so clueless about her, no matter how many times I've told him about her. Not that it was a lot but still. I rolled my eyes.

"She's just, you know, the girl who has STOPPED ALL YOUR PLANS BEFORE!" I said annoyed.


I jumped. I was about to say how much I did NOT have an obsession with Penny when I thought of the shark tank and thought better of it.

I raised my hands in surrender," Fine. Fine. What's my stupid mission this time? Go steal the world's largest ball of yarn for MADcat?"

Speaking of the devil, MADcat walked up and hissed at me. I resisted the urge to punt her into space.

"Although that's actually a good idea-" I rolled my eyes again, "Your mission is to train the newest recruits for being-", here my dramatic Uncle did air quotes, "MAD-a-lized!"

"Why do I have to train a bunch of losers? Why can't you do it?" I whined.


I jumped again.

"AND FINISH WORKING ON THE WEAPON WHILE YOU'RE AT IT!" He yelled as I ran out of the room.

"Yes, Uncle C!" I said over my shoulders.

Once I reached a safe corner, I mentally checked off "my list":
Morning grouch Uncle?
Hair gel?
Horrible mission that will at least let me fight Penny?
Me trying to stop myself from thinking about Penny?
Since I'm doing that right now...

I sighed, yup. Just like always.

A/N: I have no idea why I wrote Penny's first perspective like that. I'll switch to the 1st person but if you like  the way it is, let me know in the comments! Thanks! :)

Penny POV

I was staring out the window of the Gadget-mobile while Uncle Gadget was heading to who-knows-where to do who-knows-what. The mission, unlike the other ones, was very unclear. Intel was slacking, that's for sure.

I looked at my Uncle, "What exactly is our mission against MAD?"

Uncle Gadget looked at me and his robotic neck swiveled my way, "Why Penny! It's to stop MAD of course!"

Brain rolled his eyes, and motioned to me what details Uncle Gadget forgot.

"Ok... Stop the mission. It's an emotion-controlling weapon! To take over Metro City?!?!?" I yelped.

Then Brain added something else.

"Oh. Whoops sorry." I lowered my voice, "And they want us to steal intel! That's a lot for one mission! And what intel? There must be tons of it!"

Brain shrugged, indicating he didn't know. Great. I looked out the window again. HQ is practically sending us in blind! Well, at least I get to see Talon!

My brain: you mean to beat his butt
My heart: um..... Well.... Yeah sure. Of course that's what she meant!
My brain: mmhmm rightttt.....

Uncle Gadget landed the car, well technically, he crashed it. Badly.
"Another perfect landing!"

I smiled at that but then a dark thought crossed my mind, "There goes our getaway vehicle."

Brain nodded and then put on a disguise to look like a MAD agent.

Uncle Gadget looked at the MAD castle, "Why this place must be crawling with MAD agents!" he pointed to Brain, "Look Penny, there's one now!"

Brain jumped as Uncle Gadget yelled, "Go go Gadget, MAD agent catcher!"

A gigantic butterfly net popped out of his hat and he took off after Brain.

"Brain! Keep an eye out for Uncle Gadget while I infiltrate MAD!" I said as I put on my disguise.

Brain was already pretty far with Gadget hot on his trail. I smiled and tucked my blond ponytails into the MAD uniform.

Talon POV

I looked at the mirror in front of me. I was ready amd ready for Penny! Uh,I mean for the mission.... Yeah.

I cleared my throat and said to my reflection, "You got this. Everyone loves you, you handsome hunk."

I winked at myself then went to train the recruits.

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