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Talon POV

I was shocked. I fired the gun. The freaking bullet! I shook my head and the weird feeling of rage washed away. Time slowed and I saw Penny race to help Gadget. I suddenly remembered a ray come out of Penny's pocket and hit me. I remembered not seeing the weapon in the bathroom. She must have hit me with the emotion inhancer weapon. Shoot. That's why I shot at her. I never would have wanted to hurt Penny! I shook out of the flashback and tried to run towards her to help. Or if I could, put myself in the bullet's path.

Penny POV

Seconds seemed to tick by like a fly in maple syrup. I ran towards Uncle Gadget while firing up my codex. I knew I had only programmed the shield to hold my weight and reflect lasers and protect me from the gum gun Talon had. I didn't know if it could deflect a bullet. Talon...... I looked over at the boy whose heart I crushed and who put us in this screwed up position with a bullet flying towards my Uncle. I didn't know if I would ever be able to forgive him or if he could ever forgive me. What I did was bad, but what he just did, was worse. The weapon we were sent for bounced against my side as I ran towards my Uncle. Our mission was completed but we just had to make it out of there alive. I could only hope my beloved codex could help me now. I jumped into the path of the bullet and Uncle Gadget and my codex went in front of me. For a second, I thought it might work. The bullet hit the codex and the shield flickered out. It slightly changed speed and course. For that, I'll admit, I was lucky. Otherwise it would have hit my lungs or heart. But still, the bullet hit my shoulder. I could hear bone cracking as the bullet lodged it's way into my shoulder blade. I looked down shocked. For once, the hero wouldn't triumph. The pain hit me and before I could even scream, I fell to my knees. I lefted my hand to touch my right shoulder, I felt a warm liquid coming out. It must be blood. I looked up and I could faintly see Talon running towards me amd Brain and Uncle Gadget coming towards me too. Uncle Gadget was yelling my name. Brain looked so concerned. My good old un-average family. I smiled weakly amd tried to get up. Not a good idea. My vision swam in and out of focus, and I slowly  slumped over to the ground. And passed out in someone's arms. I looked up and could see Talon's stupid handsome face look down at me as my vision darkened.

AN: I was going to leave it here. But I'm a good person.

Talon POV

My Pretty Penny fell into my arms. I could hear her mutter something before she fainted. Blood covered my hands and clothes and it was coming out of her and fast. What did I do?!?!?
"Penny!" I yelled.

Uncle Gadget came over and knelt down besides her, "Why is Penny sleeping? And what's all this tomato sauce around her?"

Brain growled at me and I felt like howling in frustration, "YOU IDIOT! CAN'T YOU SEE SHE'S NEEDS HELP! GET ME TO A HOSPITAL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!"

Gadget looked at me, "Now don't get your hair in a twist, Mr. Spiked-Hair Boy. Go go Gadget, G-Portal!"

Brain jumped through and I followed with Penny in my arms and Uncle Gadget behind us. Brain seemed surprised that we actually found ourselves in the hospital. The nurse at the desk gave a little shriek when she saw us appear out of nowhere. Then she saw Penny bleeding out in my arms. She called the other nurses and they put Penny on a stretcher and rushed her off.

I was about to go follow them when the nurse held up her hand, "It would be best if you stayed here sir."

I sighed then went to sit with Brain and Uncle Gadget. Once again the nurse looked over the reception desk.

She looked at Brain, "Um, there are no dogs allowed."

He looked at me and I whispered for him to go and get put on a disguise. He nodded and walked off. There was some paperwork for me to fill out so I did it with some of Gadget's help. Brain came back amd together, we waited for some news on the girl I loved.

Penny POV

I could feel myself slipping. I was trying to hold on to the ledge but voices were trying to pull me down into the darkness. Hands were grabbing me and I was loosing my hold. I didn't want to let go, put they were pulling me down. I was losing the war.

My voice croaked desperately, "Please someone help. I can't go."

My fingers ached terribly. I finally was forced to let go into Death's waiting grasp. But right before I fell into the darkness, a bright light shone, blinding me. I heard Uncle Gadgets voice, and saw him hugging me, Kayla talking non-stop using that special power if hers, Brain putting on a disguise of his and running away from Uncle Gadget, Chief Quimby giving us a new mission and promptly getting blown up, and many other people who I've loved throughout my life. My mom and dad popped up, taking me to the park and pushing me down a slide into the other's waiting arms. I felt tears in my eyes. Then finally, I heard Talon's voice saying, Hold on Pretty Penny. Please stay. I gasped and I felt my heart begin to beat again. I guess it hadn't been beating before. Warmth flooded me and the darkness was gone was finally gone.

Talon POV

I was there, holding Penny's hand. They said that the operation went well, they got the bullet out and all she needed was rest now. I felt horrible. This was all my fault. I should have never done what I did. I knew the emotion controlling device increased my anger but it didn't help me shake off the feeling of what I would have done if Penny died. No. I wasn't going to think like that. She's alive. My Pretty Penny was going to be ok. But will she be? Everything I do always seems to put her in danger. Maybe she would be safer without me. I looked at her. Her hair was out of usual pigtails and fanned across the pillow. Her eyes were closed but she had a faint smile on her lips as she slept. Maybe it would be for the best. I went to the reception desk and got some paper and a pen. I went back to Penn's room and wrote down a letter. I held onto her hand and took in her beautiful face one last time.

"Pretty Penny, I wish I had the guts to say this to you before. I wish we had more time. And I wish-" my voice caught, "I-I-I love you. I always will. Don't forget me and I won't forget you."

I leaned over her and put my forehead gently against hers, "You will always be my world. You and you alone will always be my Pretty Penny."

And with that, I closed the gap between us and placed my lips on hers with a soft kiss. Her lips were so soft, and tasted so sweet. I loved her, but for her, I won't be able to kiss her again. After a moment, I leaned away and felt a tear come down my face. I brushed it away and put the note next to her bed. I stroked her hair one ran a finger down the said off her face. I got up and fixed her blankets. She really was beautiful. I slowly walked out of the room, not looking back. I knew that if I looked back, I would want to stay. I couldn't do that to her.

"Goodbye, my Pretty Penny," I said and left the hospital.

End of Book 1

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