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Penny POV

His TV was all set up and he had a variety of movies in his hand. On his bed was a bucket of popcorn and the lights were turned off, with only the TV lighting up the room. He had picked up too, and where I was going to sleep was made tidy and he had some blankets and an air mattress moved in. He looked smug but I could tell he was slightly fidgety, indicating that he was nervous. But nervous about what?

"Talon?" I said again, my voice softer.

He looked up from the distance and smirked, "Figured it would be nice to watch a movie with a clean room."

He gestured towards the bed, "And you know, you should have a place to sleep that isn't the floor."

I was genuinely touched.

"Thanks Talon, that was really nice of you," I said, "I mean, for a villain."

He nodded then motioned to his bed, "Care to join me?"

I shrugged and walked over happily. I didn't know what caused the change in Talon. Maybe he felt bad about walking on on me changing.

Talon POV

Macy came over and sat by me. That was, if her real name was, in fact, Macy Theft.

I showed her the movies I picked out, and all of them were some of my favorites, "Which one?"

She raised an eyebrow, "You own High School Musical?"

"Uh, uh. Well yeah. I need something to make fun of," I ran a hand through my hair and made it stand up again, then muttered, "Besides, the music songs are good."

She laughed and said, "I heard that."

I blushed and then she shrugged, "Let's watch whatever you want."

I nodded and then chose High School Musical.

"Why not," she giggled.

I was really beginning to love that, I placed the DVD in and began the movie. We leaned back on my bed, our sides touching each other and I'm positive we were blushing as bright as tomatoes. We both reached into the popcorn at the same time, and our hands brushed one another. We yanked back quickly but the damage was already done. My face felt like a supernova and that was only a reaction Penny could get out of me. The pieces clicked and I knew Macy Theft wasn't Penny's cousin, let alone a real person. But right now and at this moment, I didn't want to squash Penny's hopes of beating me..... Yet.

She was munching on popcorn with her eyes glued to the screen. I studied her and felt like an idiot for not realizing this earlier. They literally looked the same! Except for the brown eyes, obviously.

We laughed about the obvious plot of the movie and talked to each other about pretty much anything. We sang to some of the songs, her being Gabriella and me Troy. I wondered if their story was like ours, two kids who liked each other but came from different "cliches" [is that what it's called?] and couldn't be together. Except with them, they still tried. Should we? But unlike movies, I doubted we would get a happy ending. But still..... I looked at Penny being happy and laughing and it made me feel good. I felt like I was soaring and flying.

Penny POV

Tonight was fun. As the movie began to draw to an end, I realized that I didn't want the night to end yet. I found so many cool things about Talon that I had never known before. We had a lot in common. Except of course we were on opposite sides of the battlefield.

Exactly, said my brain, that's why you need to stop thinking of him like he's your boyfriend!

My boyfriend...... The thought made me blush. Talon...... Being my boyfriend?!? I could dream.... He doesn't even like me like that! Still, I could feel the heat rising up in my cheeks. The movie began to play its last song and credits started rolling. Talon and I just sat there as the screen turned dark. I could feel my eyelids getting droopy.

Talon nudged me, "Nuh-uh. No going to sleep yet!"

I yawned, "Why not?"

Talon gently removed some popcorn pieces that were stuck in my hair. I smiled at his touch. He began to pick up and I immediately started helping him.

I cringed, "Sorry for the mess."

He chuckled and my heart soared at the sound, "It's ok. I'm a messy eater too."

I gave a small smile, "You know, you can be really nice sometimes." I laughed, "That's unhealthy for a villian! Sooner or later, you might end up falling in love with one of those goody-two-shoeses!"

He suddenly turned and stared intently into my eyes.

Quite seriously he said, "I think I already have."

Talon POV

After cleaning up, we returned to our previous spot on the bed. Penny had been quiet since my little outburst of handsome emotion. I wonder if what I said creeped her out. I frowned. I hoped she wasn't creeped out.

Penny caught me staring," Um you ok?"

I quickly said, "Yeah. Just thinking."

"Ok," she said in a small voice and silence fell once more.

It wasn't an awkward one though. It was quite comfortable. Suddenly I felt Penny's head fall lightly unto my shoulder. It fit perfectly. I blushed, wondering what she was doing when I heard a soft snore escape her lips. I smirked. She fell asleep! Smiling, I gently tucked her into my bed. I was about to sleep on the air mattress when I heard a hissing noise and it deflated. Stupid cheap mattress. I looked at Penny. Then, before I lost my courage, I climbed in with her. I wrapped my arms around her and felt her snuggle closer to me in her sleep. This felt right. I closed my eyes and kissed her on the forehead.

"Good night, My Pretty Penny," I yawned then fell asleep too.

A Talenny Story: Book 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now