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Tamaki starts coming down with Hanahaki disease. Why? Because of his one-sided love towards Haruhi. It eventually gets fatal, to a point where Tamaki's dad decides to do the surgery. After the surgery...

It was Monday at Ouran Academy. Haruhi, Hikaru, Kaoru, Kyoya, Honey and Mori all waited for Tamaki to walk through the entrance of the school. They wait a few minutes before Tamaki walks in, seemingly normal. "Tamaki!" Haruhi says, running up to him and giving him a hug. The host club all makes a giant group hug around Tamaki. Tamaki smiles and says "I'm glad I'm back" "We were worried you'd die" Hikaru says "Hikaru die isn't the word!" Kaoru says, elbowing Hikaru "I mean get worse or something... Geez" Hikaru says, correcting himself "Tama-chan! You're ok! That's good because I was worried we wouldn't be able to eat cake together again. Takashi too, right? " Honey asks, with flowers floating around him. Mori nods. "It's good to see you're doing well" Kyoya says "Thanks guys, you're all so nice... And for once even Hikaru" Tamaki jokes. The club laughs is off and start walking to school.

The day goes by normally, but Haruhi's got something planned.

After the school day ends and the club is done hosting, the club members start to leave. The twins leave, along with Honey and Mori. Kyoya seemingly exits the room, waiting just outside the doors. Tamaki starts to exit but is stopped by Haruhi.

"Tamaki-senpai, I've got something to tell you" Haruhi says,holding Tamaki's sleeve back "What is it?" Tamaki asks, turning away from the door. Haruhi welts go if his sleeve. "I feel really guilty about being the reason you and to go through all that, and get surgery..." Haruhi says, with sadness in her voice "I'm the one who had the disease" Tamaki says "But I caused it" Tamaki stays silent "Anyways, what i wanted to say was. I liked you. I really did. And after seeing how much you loved me and I hurt you, I'd like to make it up. I thought that maybe I should tell you how I feel, so I don't risk that happening again" Tamaki stays silent for a few seconds then speaks "S- so this is a love confession?" he asks "Yeah, but I'll understand if you say no" Haruhi says, in a sad tone "Let's go for it" Tamaki says happily, hugging Haruhi. Haruhi smiles and hugs back. 'So she held him back to confess...' Kyoya thinks, starting to exit the school. Tamaki and Haruhi decide to walk home together. After dropping off Haruhi at the apartments, Tamaki head home. 'I don't love her like I used to, but she sounded so sad and guilty. I couldn't break her heart by saying no. Much less the day I get back. That's the right things to do, right?' Tamaki contemplates while walking home

Kyoya gets home and does some research on what Tamaki had. "Hanahaki disease..." Kyoya says, finding info

"The feelings are removed, along with the flowers

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"The feelings are removed, along with the flowers. So why'd he say yes?" Kyoya asks himself. He closes his computer "Maybe I'm just overthinking it..." He says, thinking out loud. He leaves to get a drink. Fuyumi enters the room. She opens his computer and sees his screen "Why's he looking up a disease?" she asks, thinking out loud "Why can't I?" Kyoya asks, scaring Fuyumi. Fuyumi jumps a bit. "I was only looking because-" "Save it. I have homework to finish" Kyoya says, taking his computer and heading to his room. "Rude..." Fuyumi says

'Why would he say yes to a love confession form someone he's lost interest in? Why?' Kyoya thinks about this for a while. He gets school work done, by now it's late. He can't sleep. Those questions a creep up and keep him awake. 'Why am I even thinking about it so much? The only reason I overheard was because we walk together... So why should I care?'

... Right?

'This is dumb, I should get some rest' Kyoya says. After a while, Kyoya's able to sleep.

'Why am I thinking about you Tamaki? Why?'

Hanahaki disease - Haruhi x Tamaki x KyoyaWhere stories live. Discover now