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I continue walking to my class as i hear more footsteps behind me. It couldn't possibly be the twins, they're too scared of me to mess with me. I turn and see 5 girls, all with somewhat surprised faces. I look at them for a few seconds before speaking. "May I ask why I'm being followed?" "We were curious why you weren't with Tamaki-senpai" three of them ask in unison "He's talking with Haruhi at the moment" I explain "Why is he with Haruhi?" "Why didn't you wait?" "Is that an excuse?" "Are you two arguing?" "Is Tamaki-" They all get cut off by Tamaki sneaking up behind them and then standing my my side "I'm back!" he announced happily, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

The girls stopped their questions. "Now, may you girls let Kyoya and I get to class?" Tamaki says. The girls nod in response, leaving Tamaki and I alone. "Sorry about them, I tried to keep the conversation with Haruhi short" Tamaki says, as he moved his arm from around my neck to his side "It was quite bothersome, but I could handle it" I answer "Eh, better for us to deal with it together" Tamaki says, giving me a smile. I avert my eyes to the wall. "That'd be preferable" I answer. We get to class and take a seat. Tamaki starts talking about some ideas for the project, which I agreed to. The teacher gave us simple instructions, mostly consisting of the project, and let us begin.

Tamaki stars to look through his bookbag for some papers and a computer. I open my computer and open the document. I see 'Questions I have for Tamkai. Why'd you accept'. I sigh and backspace. I was just sidetracked. Plus, Tamaki accepted her confession because he probably still likes her... That got me thinking. Can someone else get Hanahaki disease? I should do some research. I open a new tab and look it up. Here were my results :

The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. It can be cured without side effects only when the feelings are returned. - Hanahaki Disease was what they called it. Or unrequited love with some seriously fucked up side effects and there were only two ways to cure it. Surgery to remove the infection from the heart and brain that would leave the person void of emotions for the rest of their life. Or have the feelings returned.

So is Haruhi trying to cure him or does she just feel guilty? "Hey Kyoya" I hear Tamaki call. I push aside my thoughts and answer. "Yes?" I ask "What were you doing again?" Tamaki asks. Research... But I'm supposed to be writing what the disease is. "I'm typing it down, but there seem to be some false information so it's taking longer than expected" I lie "Oh, ok then. This document and my writing are super long, is that ok?" he asks me, looking over at his notebook. I pick it up and flip through the pages. "It's fine, as long as it's within the time frame and fine with you" I say, copy pasting my results of Hanahaki to a new document "Ok then, I'll get back to it" Tamaki says, taking his notebook back and typing.

So far the document on Hanahaki, which is what I'm supposed to be working on, is completely blank. Another document, is full of my questions and findings on Hanahaki for my own curiosity. I should get started on the actual project. But there's not much too it. I guess I should only add the basics of Hanahaki, nothing about surgery or a cure. I wonder if anyone from the host club knows about this? Does Haruhi? Could that be why she- No. There I go again. It's just a confession. But. The feeling are removed with the flowers and- I let out a frustrated sigh. Tamaki looks over at me
"Kyoya, you ok?" he asks 'No, I'm not...'

Hanahaki disease - Haruhi x Tamaki x KyoyaWhere stories live. Discover now