Chapter Fourteen

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"Uh..." My arms hung limply by my side as the woman continued hugging me, getting a face full of red hair.

"You're so beautiful! I mean, I knew you would be of course, but oh wow I just can't believe I finally get to meet you!" Red squealed, finally breaking the hug and clutching on to my arm. 

I searched for all the smart comments I could say, especially to my Father who was just watching the scene, but all I could think about was why this woman was being so nice and loving towards me and that translated as,"Uh..." Again.

Father finally piped up, scowling, "Eli-Key-whatever your name is, have some respect when you speak to my wife. Now go inside so I can close the door!"

I took three steps inside and out of the lady's clutches before my mind processed what he said and my blood runs cold.

"Wife." My mind was racing and heart pounding.

"Yes, my wife." Father answered my statement like it was a question, and I vaguely hear the woman say something in the background.

Images of my Mother continued to flash through my mind. She didn't take care of herself, and my Father didn't either. I clenched my teeth in anger. So why did he just get another woman he wasn't going to take care of? I turned to look at Red who was still smiling warmly at me, but with worry in her eyes. 

"You," I pointed my finger towards her as I continued,"What is wrong with you?" Red's smile slowly disappeared as I spoke,"Tell me, were you in some sort of traumatic accident before you married him? Because I swear this marriage is going to hurt a lot worse. I promise you whatever debt you are in, he's not as wealthy as he makes himself out to be. And if you're making some kind of deal- I know some lawyers wh-"

"Keylime," Red said so softly I almost didn't hear her, "Let me introduce myself, and then I will explain."

I glanced at my Father, surprised I was still alive after that outburst. He grounded his teeth together, but his eyes remain locked on the floor. I smirked, Someone is on their best behavior for wifey I thought to myself.

I followed Red over to a nice silver couch, something that definitely wasn't there when I was. She again smiled at me, and I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was.

"I'm Cam," Red, or Cam introduced herself, "and I am so glad to finally meet you Keylime." She gave me another hug, even after my hostile attitude towards her.

"Nice to meet you... I guess." I ignored the annoyed grunt that came from my Father, "So now that I've met you, can I go back home?"

Cam smiled like she knew something and said, "I guess you are eager to get back."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked, eyes flashing. My anxiety level was rising and I felt irritated and confused. I needed to talk to Pier and now my Father was adding more pieces to the puzzle. 

"Your boyfriend, right? Your dad said there was some young man that didn't want you to leave." I looked at her warily, feeling suspicious.

"He didn't call anyone when we were in the car." I said feeling irritated she would lie to my face. What is up with these people and Pier? 

My Father startled me by saying, "I sent her a text message in the car." He gave me such a look of hostility and annoyance I immediately began to doubt myself and feel guilty.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. You married him on your own free will and now he has gone and brought his daughter back home so that you guys can live in some screwed up version of a picture- perfect happy family?" I asked crossing my arms.

My Father had remained calm all night with Cam near, but he looked ready to snap me in half until Cam got up off of the couch and walked over to where he was leaning against the wall. She put her arms on his and said, "Calm down," and he visibly relaxed.

I frowned at their strange encounter and said, "Wow, Pops, looks like she's got you whipped." My comment was completely ignored and for the first time I watched the two of them together and noticed how intently he was staring into Cam's eyes.

"Um..." I awkwardly stood there.

"Oh," Cam broke the silence and looked back at me like she just remembered I was there, "To answer your question Keylime, you are here because I wanted to meet you."

"Why not just take a trip up to Grandma's?"

Cam looked sad for a minute, "It's not that easy." She looked up at my Father when she said that.

I rolled my eyes at the comment when she wasn't looking, "Yeah well when you figure out the difference between easy and hard come talk to me about it. I am actually really tired though and would like to retire for the night if that's not too difficult for you."

Cam nodded and walked over to me. I internally groaned as I realized she was about to give me another hug. As Cam was pulling away she whispered, "My mate's daughter." I froze as those words left her mouth and looked into her sparkling green eyes. She smirked and winked, leaving me to alone with my thoughts.

Thank you so much for reading. I know it could be better. 

P.S. ThIS iS coPy RiGtHEd!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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