Chapter Five

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*Author's Note* Enjoyed reading all the comments! [: if anyone would like to make a cover for this book, message me! Covers are appreciated. Also, this Chap is dedicated to debbie_evanfurn for encouraging me to update. Thanksies :)

beep beep beep

My cellphone went off in my pocket, alerting me of a text. 

Hey, just a reminder i'll be by at seven for our date with the guys. -Jase

I groaned as I read his message. I forgot it was Friday, and I was forced into a date with Jase. I walked as slowly as possible to my house, not wanting to deal with a questioning Grandma. 

"Hey!" a voice yelled. I turned around to see Tailor running my way.

"Yeah?" I said when he was next to me.

"Do you always walk home after school?" He asked

"Unless Jase drives me."

His bright blue eyes darkened. "Is that your boyfriend?"

"Why do you care?" I growled, annoyed.

He laughed, a loud sweet sound, "Not me that cares Kitty Cat. Just make sure this boy of yours is worth a fight."

"You're confusing. You still haven't explained how you knew all of that stuff earlier." He looked at his watch.

"Well, look at the time, it's getting la-" He started

"No!" I cut him off, "I need to ask you about P-" He was already walking the other way. I growled frustrated and marched to my house.

"Gran, I'm home," I yelled stomping to my room. There was a sticky note on my door that read:

'Going out. Might be back sometime this weekend. Hundred dollars on the counter. Love you- G

I dug through my closet looking for something to wear, that is until the doorbell went off. I ran downstairs to find Jase at the door, wearing nice ironed clothes. He grinned.

"Hey, you said seven, it's only six." I told his smiling face.

"Yeah, but I thought I'd help you get ready. Come on, lets go find a sexy dress." He stepped on in and went up to my room.

I raised my eyebrows at him, "Oh, I saw you coming down stairs. Don't worry, I've only followed you home once." He told my questioning face.

I rolled my eyes,"Just tell me what to wear."

An hour later I was dressed in a dark green knee length dress, with thick straps. My long dark hair was down and I wore my usual makeup: Little bit of eyeliner and some red lipstick Jase picked out. 

"Wow, you, you look amazing." Jase grinned big looking me up and down,"Now come on, the guys wanna meet up at Matt's parent's restaurant. It's five star." He tugged me to his red jeep.

Claustrophobia filled my insides as I closed the door. I hated cars, i'd rather walk everywhere than ride. Advantage to living in a small town. Jase cut on some hip/hop rap station. I groaned loudly. And took my favorite CD out of my purse. I popped it in before Jase could do anything, him still singing to the song when it abruptly cut off. I grinned.

"What the hell?" He said

"No cussing in the car," I punched him,"Time to listen to some good music." I grinned as My Chemical Romance's song Teenagers blared out of the speakers. I started singing as loud as I could, not caring what Jase thought. 

"Wow, never pictured you into some punk rock emo stuff." He commented.

"Hey!" I huffed,"For your information Gerard Way is the best singer in the universe, and this is my favorite band. Just jealous cause you can't compete with someone as hot as him and his brother."

He laughed and the ride was of me listening to their soundtrack. When we arrived at the restaurant, I was still humming the lyrics to Famous Last Words. Jase wrapped his arms around my shoulders, and when I tried to shake him off, he gave me a pleading puppy dog face. We sat down at a large round table, a bunch of guys on the baseball and football team sliding in with their peppy blond girlfriends. 

"I see you finnaly won the wildcat over," One of the guys commented eyeing me and Jase.

"Oh we're n-" Jase cut me off.

"Yeah, it took awhile but you know no chic can resist all of this," Jase said to the smirking boys. He glanced over at me with begging eyes, and I knew right then what I was really here as. A trophy. Anger coursed through my veins, but being the better friend, I said nothing and listened the whole dinner to the obnoxious talk and perverted jokes. 

"Kitten." Jase finally said something when we got into the car. I looked over at him with a blank expression on my face.

"Just take me home."

That night Pier and his unwanted face invaded my dreams. He towered over my small frame and growled,"Mine."

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