Chapter Thirteen

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Father was racing down the road twenty miles above the speed limit. "I don't know if your age is messing with the your memory, but you said you were staying with Gran and I, not storming into our house and tearing me down with your words before collapsing my semi stable relationship and taking me back to the last place on earth I want to be." I snapped, no longer able to control my raging emotions, Pier's face still fresh in my mind.

"You're my daughter," he said through clenched teeth,"I can do whatever I want with you." His hands gripped tighter on the steering wheel and his words made my blood run cold. He was too silent, and it scared me. I had never seen him hold his anger in and not immediately lash out at me; it made me more terrified than before.

After the reality of the situation finally caught up to me, I turned my head to look out the window at the trees zipping by. Of course the towering dark trees led me to think of Pier and wolves, and how I was oddly accepting it pretty well. Somewhere in the back of my mind my brain was saying, "It's because all of this is a dream. You don't get the annoyingly handsome and arrogant boy from your dreams, and you can't turn your life into some cliche romantic werewolf story." But it was real, because I saw him turn into a werewolf, right? 

Considering you had an allergic reaction and had to go to the hospital, it all could have been a hallucination.

No, I ate the watermelon after he turned into a wolf. Actually, the next morning.

Are you sure though? You know what happened the last accident, Key. None of your memories from the previous day had been real. All a side affect of the medicine, or attack. 

Frustration was building up inside of me slowly. My Father was finally done messing with my head and now my head was messing with itself. What if Pier wasn't really a werewolf but part of some strange cult and this was my mind's way of handling things?

If you text him and he mentions what happened today, then you'll know the truth.

Did I want to know the truth?


Though just an hour ago, I was positive everything that happened to me in the past twenty four hours were real. I was psyching myself out. 

Or maybe you just began to open your eyes and realize yo-

"Shut up! Just shut up. Stop talking-thinking whatever the hell you, was doing." I screamed in frustration. I frantically gripped my head in my hands trying not to pull my hair out.

Suddenly the car swerved and went onto the grass, jolting my body forward and bringing the car to a stop. I realized I had screamed out loud and he was looking at me in anger and confusion.

"Don't even begin trying to talk or scream at me- whatever it is you call parenting- right now. I'm not in the mood so wait until we get home and then lock me in the basement or I swear I'll do something we'll both regret." My voice sounded harsh and crazed. I looked into my Father's shocked eyes and saw the reflection of my own green eyes startling big. A flicker of an emotion passed through his eyes. Concern? Or was I really just going crazy..


My dearest lovely Father owned the same house I grew up in and my darling Mother died in. Surrounded by a pile of empty beer bottles and bruises on her arms and face. It was a three story white house with a porch whose memories, if possible, were uglier than the decor. A red door (for dramatic effect on my behalf) the color of blood, was the main entrance into the house apart from the little side door next to the two-car garage. Since Father had made it clear I would have everything I needed here, I had nothing to carry in with me except the phone in my pocket.

"Alright, now Eliza-" my Father began.

"I really can't handle all of these names." I cut him off.

"There is someone here I would like you to meet." His gaze was hard and furious. The police must be inside or something, that's the only logically explanation as to why he hadn't strangled me.

I nodded and knocked on the bloody red door, and as soon as my fist left the wood the door whipped open to reveal a striking, tall, red-haired lady. She squealed as soon as my eyes met her blue ones and smiled.

"Key-Key! I'm so happy to meet you! You're even more beautiful outside of the pictures!" She pulled me into a big hug like I'd known her all my life while I stood still in shock surprised something crazier could happen to my already crazy day.

It's been a while but I want to thank you all for the support. I almost gave up and took the story down but the comments made my day and I just knew I couldn't quit.

And yes ^^ Kitten does have a breakdown but can you blame her? Also, any guesses as to who that woman could be? 

Bye Cupcakes, love you all.

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