Chapter Nine pt. 2

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Pt. 2 Of Chapter Nine:

His soft lips awakened feelings in me I'd never felt before. Any thoughts of protest I'd had were blown away and the only thing I could focus on was his lips. I felt myself leaning into the kiss, and I pressed my lips against his harder, suppressing a moan. Pier pulled away suddenly, and I stood there, my eyes still closed, and brought my finger to my lips, to my first kiss. 

When I opened my eyes, the only person standing there was Tailor. He was watching me with an unreadable expression on his face. He was leaning against the car, with his arms crossed looking like the perfect California model he was. My face heated up, and I had the uncontrollable urge to cry. Pier dumps all of this crap on me, takes my first kiss and leaves? My eyes watered, and tears streamed down my face. I heard Tailor sigh, and he walked over to the rusted bench and patted the seat next to him. I found myself unconsciously walking toward him, and sitting down. I leaned my head on Tailor's shoulder and sighed.

"Why couldn't you be my mate." I mumbled.

His head shot up and he turned to look at me, "Because," He said,"It wasn't meant to be."

"Meant to be? I can tell you allot of things that are meant to be, and Pier and I aren't exactly on that list of mine."

"Kitten," Tailor paused, "Look up at the sky."

I looked towards where he was pointing. "There is someone up there, someone so much greater than us, and they're watching out for us. Their the ones that made that special someone, a mate, to share our heart with. I mean, that someone has set our life."


"Maybe. We'll know someday won't we." He smirked with humor.

I stood up and dusted my self off. "Well Mr. Larson, you've been a very helpful werewolf," I reached over and patted his head hard,"Good doggy." I ran away before I could hear him growl.


"Keylime, your Father called." I froze at the sound of Grandma's voice and the word Father.

"Could you repeat that?" I called back to her from the attic, my room.

"KEYLIME, YOUR FATHER CALLED." Grandma screamed, her loud voice echoing off her dark blue walls.


"He's on the phone now." Grandma was standing in my door while my face was turning red. 

"Good, then he already heard. You can hang up now." 

She sighed, "If you don't talk to him he said he would come down he in person to talk to you." She threw the phone at me and walked out. I couldn't help feeling abandoned.

"Hello, Eliza." My Father's deep voice filled my ear, and my jaw ticked at him calling me by my middle name. How many names could a girl have?

"Father," I replied in the same emotionless tone.

He gave me a cold laugh, "Daughter. How long has it been, a year?"

"What do you want, Father."

His voice turned serious,"A visit. I want you to come down here for your upcoming break."

"And what could you possibly get out of that?" 

He sighed, "Eliza, quit acting like it's a crime for a father to want to see his daughter. You're coming down next week, and that's final."

Stop, and let me tell you something about my family. My Father and my Mother married young. He was five years younger than her. Sixteen when Mother had me. They married three years later, when he was nineteen. My Father, James, was an abusive drunk. He would take himself out on us. My Mom died when I was fourteen, from her alcoholism addiction. It was hard for me to say I didn't hate my family, which was why I moved here with Grandma when I was fourteen. Three years later and my Father wants a visit. Hope you can see why I'm pissed.

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