Chapter 14- Home-ish

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"Hello!" Said Phil. I smiled shyly, not sure what to say.
"Hi..." I mumbled. I hoped he blamed it on tiredness and not just rudeness. Dan handed me the cup of tea. It smelled crisp, an dot might sound crazy, but like early morning. That, and lemon. I took a sip. Wow... That was good.
"You like it? " asked Dan. I nodded slowly, taking another mouthful. Tea was pretty good. Dan and Phil began talking about something I didn't understand.
"And you uploaded all the videos, right? Once every two weeks?" asked Dan.
Phil nodded, "For the last time Dan, yes!" he said, exasperated.
"What do you mean by upload? Are you two doing something illegal?" I asked. I kicked the back of Dan's seat. My hand-painted galaxy converse left a little mark on the leather seat back. Oops. I wiped it away with my thumb.
"No, we not selling drugs. Or young children. We actually just post YouTube videos. On the Internet." explained Phil.
"That's better. I would prefer to not find the skeletons of babies in my closet. Not the best housewarming gift, you know," I replied. Phil nodded understandingly.
"Yeah, closet baby-skeletons are generally not great are they?" asked Phil. I shook my head, "Nah." We were quiet for a bit, my brain occasionally slipping into a slight coma, only to be awoken by the honk of a car. Then, we pulled up alongside a little block of 'flats' as Dan and Phil called them, and began to unload all of Dan and I's stuff.

Within a few zombie-like minutes, I was in my new room, a medium-sized place with a lavender-colored bed and a giant window with a view of the street. The walls were covered in various drawings of Dan and Phil and what looked like llamas and lions. I was way too tired to even begin questioning it, and all I wanted was to sit on the bed and sleep.

"How's it going?" asked Dan, standing in the doorway. I was lying on my bed, still in my jeans and t-shirt. "Fine," I murmured.

"DId you get your stuff put away?" he asked. I shook my head slowly, "I'll do it tomorrow..." I groaned. Dan chuckled. "Know where you get that from." I smiled and closed my eyes, ready to sleep. It was around three in the morning in the US.

"Goodnight..." I muttered. "Goodnight," replied Dan. He flicked off the lights and the door creaked shut. My mind moved into sleep just as a big grandfather clock in the living room struck nine.

~A Few Hours Later~

I woke to the sound of loud chatter. Dan, Phil, and someone else. A man. I sat up in bed, sunlight still streaming through the blinds. In a little silver mirror on the wall I could see my horribly messy hair, and reddened skin. I ran a brush through my hair and threw on some jeans and a red t-shirt.

"Good morning!" I cheered, passing through the living room and into the kitchen for some cereal or something. I glanced at my dad and Phil, searching for the other man. He sat on the couch, in between the two.

"Hey El!" says Dan, grinning. I wave shyly, taking notice of the other man, a curly-haired guy with deep brown eyes.

"Peej, this is Lizzy." says Dan. He doesn't explain that I'm his daughter, or who I am. "Hi Lizzy," says Peej, waving. I smile and make my way into the kitchen. They appear to have either Shreddies, a British brand that I am not sure of, or Lucky Charms. I choose the colorful box full of marshmallows and sugar and some milk. Yum.

"You do realize it's one in the afternoon, right?" calls Dan from the living room. "Yup!" I call back, pouring my milk. Phil chuckles from nearby. I grab a spoon and shove a bit in my mouth, hoping I don't grow a third arm or something from the chemical disaster inside the food. Whatever. I've always wanted strange looks anyway.


Hey guys. G1immerGir1 here. Nerdie emailed me a few chapters she's been working on, so I figured I might as well post them. Just a message for you guys that she said to send,

"Tell them that I miss them a ton, and that I really want to come back and that I will keep sending chapters as much as I can."

Thanks guys. I'll keep you posted on how she's doing, and as soon as she comes back you'll know.


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