Chapter 12- If

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(Back to Lizzy)

I asked Dan to leave. I felt a little bad, but I just needed time to process everything. I guess that sounds cheesy, but it was also true. Maybe for once the dramatic soap operas were right...

I spent a while looking at the family picture. Every once in a while, I would add a few pencil marks, barely even changing the drawing alone. But after the hours of sitting and focusing, I had changed quite a bit, especially the faces.

In the place of the father was Dan, fringe floating majestically across his forehead. The mom was a little faded, not on purpose of course. My left-handedness had caused me to rub lead all over the figure, blurring lines and things, and generally making life harder. I didn't care.

"Hey Lizzy?" I heard at the door, along with a knock. 

"I wonder who that is!" I asked sarcastically, opening the door to reveal my most common visitor. 

"Hey." said Dan. Instead of his usual moderately happy face, he seemed upset. "What's up?" I asked. He frowned.

"I have to go back to England," he said. I gasped, no matter how cliché it seemed.

"What?!" I asked, loudly. A guard strolling down the hallway stopped to look in, but Dan waved him away.

"But, hey, you didn't let me finish. I talked to your parents, and the people here, and they say that if you agree, you could come with me." he said, a bit of a smile reappearing on his face. I jumped up, "Yes! Of course I'll go!" he smiled.

"I'm leaving in two days. If you want to say goodbye to your mom and dad-" I cut him of, "You think I want to ever talk to them again?" he smiled.

"C'mon, just to be nice?" I rolled my eyes dramatically. "Fine!" we laughed, and I dragged my duffel bag out of the closet, happier than I had been in what seemed like months.

"Are you seriously gonna pack already?!" asked Dan. I nodded, "Yes, yes I am." he sighed, "You have like, a pair of jeans and the clothes I gave you," he said. I sighed.

"You don't know how long it takes me to pack!" I said. He threw his hands in the air, "Fine then! Jesus..." He sounded a little annoyed, but then started laughing. I joined in, and for the next thirty minutes I talked, laughed, and joked with my Dad.

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