ch. VI -- Not enough strawberries

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Kate was left sitting on patio. Looking up to sky as some clouds drifted along the blue depths. If only her memories and inner pain could drift away that easily.

"Five hundred dollars for strawberries, is he insane?" Kate heard somebody talk in the house. Getting up she went into kitchen. She couldn't say that she was disappointed in Julie. There she was standing behind the counter and packing out container after container of strawberries.

"How much did this cost?" Kate asked quietly as if not to startle her friend.

"Around 80, maybe 100 dollars. I am sorry, Kate." Julie said letting her hands fall to her sides.

"For what?" Kate asked and stole one strawberry.

"I couldn't spend all the money on the strawberries! There were not enough of them, Kate! I just couldn't! It's not my fault, I tried! I really did!" Julie said breaking down.

"You did great job, Jules! Don't worry! You are forgiven." Kate said sympathetically trying not to laugh.

"That's it?!" came Lucifer's voice from behind Kate. She jumped at His voice.

"Just don't say that you appeared from thin air." Kate whispered with closed eyes.

"Of course not." Lucifer mumbled standing beside Kate.

"You can't be serious? There must be more." Lucifer continued looking at Julie.

"I swear to God, there were no more!" Julie whined and looked at Kate.

"He is way too busy to make sure that your promise is kept." Lucifer rolled His eyes.

Julie raised her eyebrows at that.

"Don't mind him, Jules." Kate smiled and would have elbowed the Devil if He wouldn't have been made from, well, nothing.

"There are enough strawberries, Jules, there is nothing to worry about, right Lucifer?" Kate glanced at Devil with deadly glare.

"Oh, bloody hell..." Lucifer whispered and rolled His eyes. Kate raised her eyebrow at Him.

"Yes, there are enough strawberries." Devil huffed in annoyance.

"So... how do strawberries help you with whatever you have?" Julie asked after a moment of silence.

Kate had no idea what to answer so she just looked at Lucifer with expression that yelled 'please elaborate, Lucifer'. Devil looked back at her with raised eyebrows and said:

"That is such a wonderful question, Julie. I think that Katherine here can answer that for you." Devil smirked and looked at Julie. Kate froze in spot, mouth hanging open.

"I.. I.. I have read.. ee..a.." Kate had no words to explain. Lucifer was the one who actually said that she needed strawberries.

"It was a thingthatmymom and Luciferdidtomake mehappy as a childand it kindofstuckwithme." Kate quickly rumbled and shrugged her shoulders.

"Aww... That's so sweet of her, she sounds awesome. You too, big guy." Julie smiled and hugged Kate. Kate winced a little which didn't go unnoticed by Lucifer.

"Come on. I know you want a hug too!" Julie said and stretched her hands in Lucifer's direction.

Some weird mixture of fear and, was it jealousy, took over Kate. Fear for the fact that Julie is going to realize that Lucifer isn't really here and she will be sent back to rehab. And that little pang of jealousy that Julie felt so free around her Devil. Wait. Did she just objectify Him as hers? What?!

"I think I'll pass." Lucifer smiled at Julie and took step back.

"Oh, come on! It's just a hug!" Julie said and went closer to Lucifer. In this moment Kate knew she had to do something.

"Jules." Kate ducked between Lucifer and Julie, holding her friend by her shoulders and said in warning tone.

"He is not a hugger." Kate explained.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know." Julie cringed at her mistake and looked at Him apologetically. Lucifer just nodded at her and glanced at His glass.

"Don't worry, Jules. I am not allowed to hug Him either." Kate said and steered her friend back to counter before stealing quick glance at the Devil.

"Well, that sucks." Julie laughed.

"Why?" Kate said and took another strawberry.

"He seems like a hugger." Julie mumbled. Are you sure? Kate wanted to ask.

"Devil doesn't give free hugs." Lucifer said and took sip from His drink. Kate faced palmed and turned around to face Devil.

"Thank you that you blessed us with your holly presence, Lucifer, but could you..?" Kate gestured at hall the lead to bedrooms.

"Of course, don't forget to bring strawberries." Devil winked at Kate.

"Just go, I need to talk with Julie." Kate groaned.

With a sight Kate turned around, relieved that He went away without any other word and sat on barstool. Letting her eyes wander back to Julie, Kate was surprised by her expression.

"Don't you wiggle your eyebrows at me." Kate pointed at Julie.

"What? If I were you I would trail behind him like a lost puppy." Julie said.

"I have more dignity than that, Jules." Kate said and glanced behind herself.

"Then why did you just do that?" Julie asked.

"Do what?" Kate looked at her friend confused.

"Then why did you just look behind yourself, in direction of bedrooms?" Julie said suggestively.

"I did not." Kate said.

"Yeah, you did, Kate." Julie said and also took strawberry. Kate just rolled her eyes and stole another glance towards that damned hall.

"You got it bad, girl." Julie smiled at her.

"Don't you start." Kate warned her. Julie just raised challenging eyebrow at Kate. With an exaggerated sight Kate let her head fall on counter.

"I'm here if you need me." Julie smiled at her affectionately and rubbed her back.

A lot had changed in that month while Kate had no chance of seeing sun. Her priorities had changed; her whole look on world had changed. Yet her head didn't agree with her heart. But the thought that Angels were coming to Earth to set things right, robbed her of sleep at nights.

The fact the she was right in middle of this collision between Heaven and Hell; good and bad; Angels and Devil or love and hate, left Kate with feeling that she was walking on a thin ice. And when that ice will break and she will be choking on her own wrong decisions, there will be no one to save her from drowning.


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