ch. XVIII -- Don't get torn to pieces, princess

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Two days later

Maze was lounging on sofa once again eating pizza, while TV was talking in background. Kate was sitting in the same room as well, but she was working on her art work. Something to take her mind off, when there was a knock on the door. Kate turned her head towards the door and wanted to get up when Maze pointed one of her knives at Kate.

"Don't you dare!" Maze said dead serious and got up from sofa to go to door.

"Hey, Kate--" Julie was cut off when Maze was the one to open the door.

"Do I know you?" Maze asked looking over the red head.

"I am looking for Kate." Julie said looking past Maze and not backing down. Well, she should have.

"The princess doesn't seek audience." Maze wanted to close the door but Julie stuck her foot in-between.

"Look, I am her friend and who the fuck are you?" Julie was fierce.

"I am her roommate." Maze said not really putting thought in it.

"Roommate? Kate never said that she's looking for a roommate." Julie said trying to push her way in the house.

"If you think you own this house that you can just simply enter then you are for shit wrong." Maze said pulling one of her knives from her back and pointing it at Julie.

"Woah there, I think you need a permit or something to have one of those." Julie said holding her hands up in surrender and taking two steps back.

"Mazikeen? What's going on there?" Julie could hear Kate's voice from inside.

"Kate!" Julie yelled.

"If you know what's best for you, you'll leave." Maze said lowly.

"Can you let her in, Maze?" Kate asked standing near door, yet Julie couldn't see her.

"No, I cannot!" Maze answered.

"Julie is not the bad guy here!" Kate whined.

"Yeah, what she said! Wait, what?!" Julie furrowed her brows and let her hands fall down.

"How do you know that?!" Maze swiftly closed the door leaving Julie behind it and turning to Kate.

"I don't know! You guys don't tell me what's actually going on!" Kate yelped shrugging her shoulders.

"For your own safety." Maze stressed glaring daggers at Kate.

"Guys I come in pea--" Julie said poking her head out from behind the door. But in one swift movement backwards Maze kicked doors shut with her leg almost decapitating Julie.

"And stay there!" Maze barked at the door. Kate could hear Julie's unsatisfied groan from other side.

"But she's my friend!" Kate tried to explain to Maze.

"Yeah, well consider that she not one anymore." Maze said and turned to lock the door.

"Wait! No!" Kate said yanking keys out of demon's hands. With unsatisfied pout on her face, Maze looked at Kate. If human girl didn't know better, then she would have said that demon looked calm, but boy she was wrong.

Kate cautiously took step after step back from the demon in front of her. Maze smiled sweetly at her. Sickeningly sweet while pulling out the other knife to accompany the first one.

"Now you crossed the line, princess." Maze pointed at Kate half-heartedly and slowly stepped closer. Since that time when Mathew was mere seconds away from hitting her with vase, Kate hadn't felt real fear in some time and right now the feeling was rushing back.

"MAZE!" accented voice barked behind demon. With audible sight Kate let out a breath she didn't knew she was holding.

In next second Maze turned around and looked at Lucifer. Suddenly Maze looked as kicked puppy and pointed her knife at Kate as if trying to tell that mortal girl deserved it for pissing her off.

"Now, now Maze." Lucifer said in calm voice and shook finger at her.

"You are to protect her while I am gone, Mazikeen." Lucifer then continued in more authoritative tone.

"Lately I have been running her errands and become her nanny!" Maze showed her dissatisfaction openly.

"Yes, I know." Lucifer said and slowly made His way behind Kate as if to check if she's alright.

"But it's for time being, do not worry, soon you'll have your fair share of freedom from this chore." Lucifer said looking past Kate. Maze huffed and went back to sofa and pizza.

"Are you quite alright, sweetheart?" Lucifer asked leaning closer to Kate's right shoulder. Kate jumped slightly and turned to face the ghostly Devil.

"Yeah... I'm fine.." Kate stammered out.

"Do tell me what you did to piss off our dear Maze, so badly?" Lucifer was genuinely interested while He followed her into the kitchen.

"Took keys from her." Kate shrugged.

"What keys?" Lucifer's smile dropped a bit.

"House." Kate didn't see anything bad in it. Devil's smile disappeared definitely.

"You know that it is for your own good, right?" Lucifer asked slowly as if to check if the all idea of it has got to Kate's brain.

"I know, but what was I supposed to do when your demon apprentice didn't let my friend in, huh?" Kate raised her voice.

"She is not my apprentice." Lucifer mumbled.

"Why do you want to get out so badly?" Lucifer couldn't understand.

"I wasn't trying to get out, and besides, you said that I have a wandering soul." Kate dismissed Him. He never intended for her to use His own words against Him.

With annoyed sigh and roll of His eyes Lucifer said:

"Just don't get torn to pieces by pissing of Maze."

"Like you care." Kate mumbled making her way to her bedroom.

Except, Lucifer heard her last side note.



I know that you void people may be bored of this talking around in the story but I promise that they are build up for certaint turning points in story.

Anyhow... I hope that I won't fall behind my schedule of writting. Like, I almost chopped off end of my finger, leaving it pretty injured right now, thus making me harder to type.

While I heal, plese do enjoy this...

  Listening:  Hellbent by Mystery Skulls (from Lucifer Soundtrack)

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  Listening:  Hellbent by Mystery Skulls (from Lucifer Soundtrack)


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