ch. XX -- Pomegranate

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Maze quietly chuckled at Kate's hesitation that was written all over girl's face.

"Maze explained you that Anael is angel of passion and sexuality." Lucifer continued on His own pace.

"And love..." Kate added above whisper which made Lucifer pause for a second.

"This means that he has power to make people like each other." Lucifer explained.

Kate seemed confused and somehow disappointed at the same time.

"What He's saying is that you are probably bound to somebody right now." Maze explained with roll of her eyes, bored by the fact that this is taking so much time to explain it.

"To whom?" Kate said her eyes at the size of the moon.

"It could be anyone who was at the party." Lucifer answered.

Kate didn't want to give her love and heart to some random stranger.

"For it to work you need to see somebody directly after the marking. Do you remember anything?" Lucifer asked curiously as cliché and ironic it sounded.

"Andy—I mean A-Anael, was talking to somebody..." Kate started.

"Ozzy?" Maze asked remembering their talk.

"Who is Ozzy?" Lucifer said in dangerous tone.

"I didn't know him, I didn't even see his face, but he had something oddly familiar about him." Kate shrugged.

"Are you telling me that we need to search half of Miami to find this guy?!" Maze said annoyed and groaned.

"Do you know remember what they were talking about?" Lucifer asked through gritted teeth, a bit annoyed by the fact that Kate couldn't remember a lot form the party.

"I am not sure... Anael said something about demons and how he doesn't work with them... he called him in weird name..." Kate said trying to remember.

"What name?" Lucifer and Maze said at the same time. No angel wanted to work with demons because God didn't approve of them, and that was truth.

"O-Ornias?" Kate asked, not sure if she remembered it correctly.

Mazikeen's hands dropped to her sides, eyes wide and uncertainty written on her features, while Lucifer's eyes turned into raging red and His hands clenched in fists shook by His sides.

"Don't let her out of your sight!" Lucifer suddenly appeared opposite Maze and pointed at the demon. Maze swallowed and nodded her head.

"What's going on?" Kate got up from bed. Lucifer glanced at her over His shoulder and saying nothing He disappeared once again.

Kate was left alone in her room except for Maze who stood in doorway dumb folded for a second.

"So I take it he's bad...?" Kate said and scratched behind her neck.

"Ohh..." Maze laughed but it seemed way too forced.

"Bad doesn't even cover it..." Maze said her eyes trained on a nonexistent spot on Kate's carpet.

"What does he do?" Kate asked in small voice wanting to know what they might be dealing with.

"He can shapeshift, Kate, which means that you could be bound to love anyone in the world." Maze said looking at Kate and for the first time calling girl by her name.

"Isn't there a way to stop it from happening?" Kate looked at Maze hopefully.

"You can't actually stop it. It's inevitable." Maze said, sadness sneaking in her voice.

"What the hell I am supposed to do?!" Kate exclaimed desperately.

"You'll meet this human eventually, and if the Anael's mark holds long enough after that is completely different story..." Maze mumbled and left Kate's room.

You know, while you grow you never actually think that most worst and cliché things will happen to you. You just seem happy for everything you got. Then one day everything drastically changes and is never the same. Yet, you somehow get over it. Then BAM! another equally bad thing happens. And one after other these little bumps start to impact your life, but somehow you realize that the only answer to these misfortunes is to learn and cope with them.

Then you are left with these fleeting thoughts:

What would my life turn out to be like if that and that certain thing wouldn't have happened?

What did I do wrong that it all led to this certain point in my life?

What even is my point right now?

What do I want to do next?

Why am I so miserable?

What could I have done to avoid all this?

Is it my fault?



I have type out all book, so this is me wanting to say that there will be 30 chapters + extra bonus chapter.


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