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We were already on our flight, yes flight to Ireland. Her company had paid for not only Sara's ticket, but my ticket as well. Sara explained to her bosses the situation we were in and they were very nice to pay for both of us to go. They also completely paid for the hotel room and a rental car for when we are there. It was definitely a good place to work for.

The flight was incredibly short. It felt like once we got settled in, it was time to land. I looked over Sara's shoulder as we were landing. She won the window seat after a few rounds of rock, paper and scissors.

It was just as beautiful, if not more beautiful then Scotland. It had a different feel though. It was a feeling of anticipation. I felt like something important was going to happen. I had no idea what, but it was just a feeling that was nagging me. I pushed the feeling aside and we got our luggage and found our rental car.

The hotel was only 15 minutes from the airport. It was right inside of Dublin. We made our way to our room. It wasn't much to look at, but we liked it enough. Sara was hoping that they had paid for one of the suites, but no such luck.

It was getting close to dinner time, and we were both starving. Sara called for some room service. We were going to go out to eat, but she had to be up early for the first day of the conference tomorrow, so we stayed in instead. We ate and watched movies until we fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up and rolled over to look at the clock, 9:33 AM. I looked over at Sara's bed. The bed was unmade, and she was no where to be seen. She must already be at her meeting. It was nice that the conference was going on right in this hotel.

I stretched my arms over my head as I yawned. I was not used to this, waking up and not having anything to do. I stayed in bed for a little while longer but my growling stomach had other plans for me. I sat at the edge of the bed to call room service. I then noticed that there was a note next to the phone.
I picked it up and rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes.

Hey girl! I'm sorry I had to rush out before you woke up, but I didn't want to wake you up to say goodbye.
I did think about sticking your hand in warm water, or pouring cold water on your face. Be happy that my conscience got the best of me ;)
I will be back around 5:30 tonight.
Why don't you take the car and go for a drive. There is a gps in there and you will totally love the area around here! Just make sure you're driving on the correct side of the road. :)
See ya later!

I shook my head as I reached for the phone to order breakfast. I was told that it would be about 20 minutes because of the craziness with the conference. So I decided to take a shower and get dressed. As I was putting on the small amounts of make-up that I wear, I heard the knock on the door.

I finished doing my make-up and then took my time eating my food. I looked at the clock, it was 11am. I knew I had plenty of time before Sara would be back. So I grabbed my purse and the car keys and made my way out to the car.

It was a very gray day. The sun was completely covered by the clouds. There was not a break in the clouds anywhere.
I decided to explore a little and just drove whichever way I felt like.

I couldn't believe how carefree I felt. It was nice to have no destination and not even know where I was. It seemed like I should be nervous, but I wasn't at all.
It just felt right. It felt like this was exactly where I was supposed to be.


I found myself on this back road in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. It was barely a road. It wasn't paved it just had tire marks cut into the grass.
I loved how it seemed to be so far away from civilization and the things that I was so tired of from back home. It was like medicine for me.

I must have been driving around for hours, because when I finally looked at the clock it was 3:17pm. I started to freak out when I realized that I had not been paying attention to where I was going. And even if I was paying attention, I had been driving around for so long I would have not been able to keep track of which way I went.
I remembered that Sara said that there was a GPS in the car, so I looked in the glove compartment and found it there.

I silently prayed as I plugged it in. It took me a while to trace it back to the hotel in Dublin, but it said that it was going to be a 3 and 1/2 hour ride. I needed to get going so that I could find a phone and call the hotel to notify Sara that I was going to be late. I was lucky that the GPS had signal because my cellphone had none.

I turned around on this deserted road and began to make my way back. Not even five minutes into my journey, rain began to pour. It was raining so hard and the wipers were moving so fast. The fastest setting was not really clearing up the windshield enough to see.

Being lost in a foreign country while being caught in this crazy storm trying to drive a car that I is opposite to what I am used to was making me incredibly stressed, to say the least. The road was turning to mud and it was getting harder and harder to drive.

It seemed like this road never ended. I was so nervous that something bad was going to happen. Just as I was thinking the worst, the tires got caught in the mud. I took a couple of quick breaths to try to calm myself before I attempted to get the car unstuck. I stepped on the gas as hard as I could and slammed it down to the floor. The car tires spun a few times and then the entire car flew forward and the front tire slammed into a rock. I could hear that something had happened to the tire. I knew that I would have to get out in the rain to look to see what had happened. I waited a few minutes to see if the rain would let up, but it just kept getting harder. So I threw open the door and jumped out as quickly as I could.

I looked down to see a flat tire. I ran to open the trunk to see if there was a spare tire. There was a small spare, but no tools to put it on with. I closed the trunk and ran back into the car.

I was completely soaked. There was not an inch of me that was dry and my shoes were covered in mud.

I sat there for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do. The car only had about a 1/4 tank of gas left. I had no cell service and even if I did I wouldn't know who to call. If I were at home I'd call AAA, but I don't even know if they have a car service like that here. I hadn't seen any cars on this road, but I did know that the main road was only a couple of miles ahead.

I thought about waiting in the car, but Sara would freak out if I didn't come back tonight. I guess I knew what I had to do. I grabbed my purse and locked my car and began my walk back to the main road.

I can't believe that this is happening. I am all alone, soaking wet, and walking to an unknown destination in a foreign country. There were so many thoughts flooding my mind. Mainly ones that regretted leaving home at all. If I had just worked for the summer, this wouldn't have happened. If I hadn't complained so much about how much I hated my life, I would not have gotten myself into this situation. It's like my body needs to be completely drenched. Whether I am in a pool or hundreds of miles away from one, I can find a way to get soaked. This is horrible. How could I have thought that this was where I was supposed to be or even a good idea. I must be crazy...

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