The Encounter

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Keith's POV

I got home a week ago from the tour and decided that today I would go surfing at my secret spot in Donegal. I found it a few years back and I have loved it ever since. I got a couple of my boards,   packed myself a lunch and made my way out to the beach. I have been visiting family and friends since I got back and I need to surf for a while. I've been thinking about so many things and my mind is just worn out. It'll be like therapy for me to spend a few hours on the waves.

I love my job and I love music, but sometimes it all just seems so pointless. I know that I have accomplished so much but it just feels like I am racing through life. I feel like I have missed out on so much. I see so many people getting together and falling in love. Then having children. I'm just too busy for all of that. My life just doesn't allow a relationship to last. I don't want to give it up. I guess my dream is to find a way to have both. But they say that you can't have your cake and eat it too. I know that I just need to get away from everything for just a few precious hours.

I was happy that I set my alarm so early to get to the beach at a decent hour. It is a long drive and I want to make it while it was still morning.

They drive was long but it was good and bad. Sometimes I was able to clear my mind and others it was like my mind was invaded by my thoughts. But all in all, it was good.

I felt like I needed to be right where I was. In this place. I couldn't explain it, but I had a peace about me. It felt like everything was going to change, but it would be a good change.

I get there just in time for the afternoon. I changed and got my boards ready and charged into the water. I could tell that the weather was probably going to get bad because the waves were some of the best I've seen.

After a long couple of runs, I made my way in back to the beach to sit and relax for a while. I decided to eat the lunch I packed while I stared out at the ocean. It was nice having the whole beach to myself. I laid back in the sand and stared up at the sky. It was a dark gray color. The clouds were moving fast through the sky. My eyelids grew heavy as I watched the clouds.

I was standing next to the most beautiful waterfall I had ever seen. It was surrounded by flowers and it flowed into the most peaceful cool, pool of water. I made may way over to the falls to let the waters flow over me. As I got close, I could feel the mist on my face. It was refreshing. But it began to flow harder and the mist began to spray heavily. It went from refreshing to a stinging feeling. Then it was flowing so much that I couldn't get out of the way and it knocked me over and I started to fall into the pool underneath.

I jolted awake right before I thought I was going to hit the water. I realized that it was a dream and the mist that I thought was from a waterfall was actually the rain falling from the sky.

I debated on whether or not I was going to surf in it, I decided that it probably wasn't a good idea. So I cleaned up everything and began my long journey back home.

I was still on the long deserted road that lead to the beach when I saw that there was a car halfway in the road. It was obvious that help was needed. I sighed as I realized that I was probably going to get soaked, but I hopped out of my car anyway and ran over to the other car. I looked in the car windows and didn't see anyone.

I walked quickly around the car to see if anyone was near the car and I noticed the flat tire.

I looked around the area and I didn't see anyone. I yelled a few hello's before I decided to get back in my car and drive on. I decided to drive a little slower after seeing what happened to the other car.

I turned the heat on to help me dry off. I had gotten pretty wet from getting out of the car. I was kinda mad that I had to drive all the way home like this, but I was hoping that the heater would help.

I knew that I was only a few minutes away from meeting up with the main road and it was going to be good to get this car off the dirt road. There is a wide turn just before the end of the road and I always know that when I get there, the road is almost over. I started into the turn, but through the rain I could see a person walking. I slowed down to see who it was.

It was hard to see with all the rain, but I rolled down my window and yelled, "Hey, whattaya doin' out here?"

The person jumped in surprise, I guess she couldn't hear my car. As she turned I could see her better. She had long dirty blonde hair that was drenched. She looked so sad.

She walked cautiously closer to the car, but kept a safe distance. "I was lost on this road and then my car got a flat. I've been walking to find someone or something to help me."

I could tell that she was nervous talking to me. I could also tell that she probably wasn't from around here by her accent. She sounded american.

"Ah, well I'm headed into town. Do ya want a lift to the towing company." I felt bad for her. Normally I am un-amused by tourists and laugh about this kind of stuff, but she was obviously scared and it was pouring.

"I um, I don't know if that is a good idea." She looked like she was exhausted. But I understood her cautiousness.

"It's pouring and ya look wiped. It'll take ya at least another hour to walk to get a tow. It'll only be a twenty minute ride. I saw ya car back there. You're gonna need some help gettin' it out." I said trying to help her realize that she was going to need some help.

She stared at me like she was trying to see if I was a murderer or something. She finally shrugged, "I guess it'll be okay, if you don't mind doing that."

I smiled, "Of course not, come on in and warm up a little." I said as I unlocked the door for her.

She walked slowly over to the door and began to get in but stopped, "I am soaking wet, I don't want to ruin your car or anything." She said almost like it was an excuse.

"Look at me, I am just as soaked as you are. I hopped out back there at the car to see if anyone needed help, but no one was there." I was trying to help her see that I didn't care at all that she was wet.

This seemed to calm her down a little. She slowly got in and closed the door. I looked like she was a little relieved to not be getting rained on.

I went to drive ahead but turned to her before I did, "I'm Keith" I said as I stretched out my hand to her. She stared down at my hand for a moment before she shook it.

"I'm Colleen. Thanks for picking me up." She said with a small smile.

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