They left me with a broken heart and a hollow sister.

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"Alice what's wrong" I looked at there sadden faces. She looked at me in disgust? "Why would you care you weren't there, you were with your mutt of friends" she hissed and I was taken back as my shape shifting friends growled.

"Hey, don't say that and I wasn't there because you didn't talk to me all day today so I thought you didn't want to see me." I told her "well I would have if you didn't have your mutts every were you go!" she yelled at me and started forward like she was about to jump across until Sam reminded her with a growl.

"Stop saying that and the last time I checked I can have any friends i want and you were the one that left me with them without telling me were you were going or if you were safe!" I yelled right back

" fine go with your mutts see if i care were leaving for good tomorrow any way" she turned her back so she was facing her family " your leaving were you going to even tell me" hearing the sadness in my voice Alice face soften and the wolves whimpered.

She gave me a simple no and she started dry sobbing into Jasper's shoulder. I turned and started walking but stopped "Edward you guys are apart of my life but your bellas hole life so tell her don't leave her in the dark tell her your leaving tell her you love her and mean it." then I started run ng hearing the howls of the wolves that following me.

I'm running fast faster then I ever been and soon I lose the wolves and pass out.

When I woke up I'm still in the woods it looks like the after noon and Its drizzling but I don't care today they were supposed to tell Bella she's a wreck I know it. I got up ignoring the pain in my thighs and started to wander around. Then a heard a twig snap and I turned my head.


"p-paul over here " my raspy voice called out. he broke through the bushes and pulled me in to a hug. "Paul......can't............bre...ath" he chuckled and picked me up and head towards a familiar clearing "I found her!" Paul yelled as I hear three sets of heavy feet.

I'm put down and into another bear hug but by Sam and Jared I see my dad in the back staring at bellas truck. I turn and see Bella in it. But it wasn't my sister. I was a hollow shell of what use to be.

They did not only leave me broken hearted but the left with my sisters heart and left behind a hollow shell.

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