Imprint?/Alice? ALICE!?

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Run dont stop its not ment to be its broken

Dont listen to his calls run he dosnt care

Ill reveal the one when your ready

The voice in my head i can trust it i know i can i have a feeling but i feel broken like my heart was ripped from my chest can somebody fix it.

Flash back

"Kania can i talk to you" Brady asked. I nodded and followed him into the woods

"Kania, i-i think i Imprinted on you" I looked at Brady weird.

"Its When you find your soul mate, Its not gravity holding me down anymore its you." he started to lean in i didn't know what to do i was shocked to my very core .

But i didn't want my first kiss to be taken like this so i backed up but he kept coming forward, untill i was backed up into a tree and he kissed me.

When he pulled back he had a huge smile and i faked smiled but felt sad. Then a piercing howl hit the air. He looked at me and all i did was nod and he left.

I started to run all these emotions running threw me i couldnt take it it was too much.

1 Week later

Me and the pack were walking to the beach when me, Brady and Collin saw a group of our friends. We havent seen them since the boys phased. Violet, Peter, and Stefan.

As we ran up to them they turned around and There was a thud and i saw someone kneel to the ground and i turned and couldnt believe it. Then a piercing howl cut through the air.

Present time.

I couldn't believe Brady Imprinted on Violet when he told me he imprinted on me and he took my first kiss.

So i ran to the top of the highest cliff, only to find my sister and when she turned around i saw the sadness that was probably in my eyes and it was like we thought the same thing. And we jumped.

Then it all went Black

I then woke up to familiar voices.

"Kania! Kania Wake up there back" I opened my eyes only to see Bella running in to the house and Jacob yelling for her to stop. The one thing that caught my eye was one of the Cullens car. So i ran out the car and into the house having jake call after me. But be for i got into the door The person i wanted to see the most was there.

"Alice!?" i screamed i happiness tears in my eyes. All she did was bring me into a bone crushing hug telling me things like "I thought you were dead or"/"Stupid mutts blocking my vision" i just laughed and hugged her tighter.

Then she told us why she was her cause she thought we died then she had another vision and told us how Edward was going to kill himself and how we needed to get to Voltoria. On our way out you could practically hear Jacob shouting at Bella as she ran out of the house,

"Bella Please stay for me" As Bella looked him in the eye she got into the car. Before i got in he grabbed my arm "Kania what about The pack, your family, What about Brady" He practlly shouted his name and it brought tears to my eyes. "HE IMPRINTED ON SOMEONE ELSE AND STOLE MY FIRST KISS" he backed away slowly  then registered what i said and ran off shaking.

I got into the back seat in the car and Alice looked into the rear view mirror and looked into my eyes i smirked and nodded "Sister time later" Then i looked at Bella "With all my sisters " She looked up and gave me a small smile.

Now on our Journey to The Voltori.

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