Birthday gone wrong/Who am I

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Who am I

I'm Kania swan right?

No I'm Kania

I'm not a Swan so who am I

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLA GOOD MORNING" I screamed in her ear and she jumped in surprised. "Kania you almost gave me a heart attack" I laughed and gave her the birthday present

"Kaninaaaaaaaa I said no presents" "I don't care" she huffed and opened it and she took out the Vampire teeth neckless and I smirked "oh very funny" Then she took out the glass rose " oh my god Kania you didn't have to-" "Bella you are my sister I want to" she came up and hugged me and we started to get dressed.

Mom ended up giving her a camera and dad a scrapbook.

knock knock

Bella rushed towards the door and opened it. Edward was at the other side. "Bella,Kania are you ready" Bella nodded and we left out side. As we were walking to the care I had a feeling some one was watching me.


the voice in my head said. I've gotten use to it. I turned towards the woods and saw the fierce red eyes and black fur of my shape shifting friend. "Hey imma go for a walk I will meet you guys at school" I left before they said anything.

I walked into the woods and felt two more pairs of eyes.



"Is something wrong guys" I said as they emerged from the trees in human form "We want you to be safe around the Cullen's " Sam said in his booming voice "I get it there vampires your werewolves you guys hate each other but come on Edward wouldn't let Bella or me get hurt." Sam shook his head "you don't get it just .... remember we are always here for you now get to school" he smirked "Well I need a ride"

"I'll give her one" Paul and Jared said at the same time. They growled at each other but Sam interfered "Why don't we all take her to school and with that he changed into his wolf form and I jumped on his back and he ran to La push with Jared and Paul on his sides.

When we reached his home we got in his car. Me in the back with Jared, Sam  driving and Paul in shot gun and we drove to Forks high.

As we got there I saw Bella talking to Jacob and Edward looking mad but then turned his attention to our car. I looked the other way and saw the other Cullen's looking to "Stay here" Sam said and I nodded. They got out and people started staring .

Paul and Jared took there place in front of the car like body guards and Sam opened my door. Once I got out that's when Edward and Alice started walking over but Paul put a arm around my waste and Jared around my shoulders with Sam protectively in front of me as we walks to the school entrance "Guys this is a little to much" "Well all we wanted was your protection"Jared said smirking

The rest of the school day Edward nor Alice talked to me. I tried but Jasper said that they will Eventually. Think Alice and Edward are still mad I don't go to the party so I call Emily.



"Kania oh my gosh its been weeks"

"I know em. Hey do you think I can come over"

"Yes of course you better hurry before the boys eat all the food"


I hung up and got my black sweater and ran out to my car, its a black Audi carbolt s5, Alice gave it to me for my birthday.

As I pulled up I saw my favorite guys in the front of the house. "Finally!!" Jared and Paul said as they  tackled me into a hugged.

I was then lifted and spuned around "Ahh Sam put me down!!" he chuckled and carried me over his shoulder into The cabin like house. "We wanna take you on a patrol so hurry up and eat"

I at as slowly as possible and Laughed when ever Paul and Jared started complaining about how long I'm taking. "That's it" I heard and I find myself over another shoulder.


"Emily Help,HELP I'M BEING KIDNAPPED" I looked at he and she smiled apologetically at me and I bowed my head in defet and let Paul take me out side.

"OK Kania who do you want to ride with"Jared asked "Sam!" I said excided and Sam chuckled at their faces and took me off of Paul's shoulder. "OK stay here we will be right back." And with that they ran into the woods and came back in wolf form.

After running for hours we stopped at a steam 'I guess this is the treaty line' I was right because across from it was the Cullens.

And little did I know is that was the last time I would see then. 

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