Mellark Everdeen

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"So when do we tell everyone?"

"Not until after we talk to Paylor."

"But Peeta please can I tell them!!!"

"Sweetheart, I don't think we should until everything is sorted out."



"Fine! I'm just really excited."

"I am too. It's not everyday you get engaged!"

After that Peeta kisses me. I'm so happy he asked me to marry him. I'm so excited that nothing can bring me down. I have Peeta by my arm and now I can think of him as my soon-to-be husband!!!!!! I grab his hand and kiss it.

"What was that for? Usually I have to force a kiss just to get one, and I get one on my hand without any effort?"

"Well I thought I should practice since we'll spend the rest of our lives doing that."

"Then I couldn't be happier...Mrs. Mellark."

"What about Mr. Everdeen?"

"How about Mr. and Mrs. Everdeen Mellark?"

"I love it!!!"

"What about kids?"

Wow? That was a bit of a shock! I didn't expect Peeta to bring up kids so fast.

"Um I don't really want to think about that right now or for awhile Peeta."

"Well I'm not saying we need to have a baby right this second or even anytime soon. I just want to talk about names."

"Oh well I don't know."

"What if it was a boy? I always loved the name Brody."

"Um that's cool Peeta."

"Come on Katniss just think about it. What would you name a boy?"

"I don't know..."


"Okay...maybe Leighton."

"Katniss, that name is beautiful."

"Thanks. What about a girl?"

"Maybe Aero."

"Aero?? Like a bow and arrow?"

"Hey I like that name. I thought of it when I first say you shoot."

"Awww Peeta that's so sweet."

"How about you?"

"I was thinking maybe Colby."

"I love it."

With that he kisses my forehead and we go downstairs to see everybody.

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