After the War

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My name is Katniss Everdene. I am 17 years old. I was the mockingjay. I was the sign of hope. I was in the 74th and the 75th hunger games. I survived both. I was the spark that started the rebellion. President snow and coin hated me. I killed them both. I saved panem. I also was the reason most people died, including cinna, prim, and finnick. I am still afraid. I was star crossed lovers with Peeta Mellark. He saved my life and also tried to kill me. He loved me and hated me. I've never known how I feel about him. He's the boy with the bread. I'm the girl on fire. Together we're toast.


It's been a couple days since I've seen peeta. The war ended about a month ago.

Peeta tried to plant primroses in front of my house. I know he's trying to help, but I'm not in the condition to get help from anyone right now. Except from my "doctor" people think.

His name is Damson. I hate him. He also tries to help, but nobody knows what I've been through.

I've lost my father, cinna, finnick, prim, my mother, and gale. My mother and gale are still alive but they live in different districts. I'm not to fond of them two either. My mother 'went to a different place' when my father died. I had to take care of prim and I for a while, and she just stood bye and watched. Gale made the bomb that killed my sister so I'm not very happy with him either. I do miss him though.

*ring ring*

Thats damson calling...again.


"Katniss, how are you doing today?"

"Well since the war and everybody i've ever loved died...pretty horrible"

"Sorry to hear, but I really think you should try to talk to peeta today"

"What makes you think I haven't talked talked to him?"

"Well a couple days ago I asked you if you did. You said no. Then I asked you yesterday, and again no. I didn't think you did today either."

"I don't wanna talk to yanybody right now"

"You're talking to me"

"I have to talk to you, otherwise I would be in a mental hospital in the capital for killing coin"

"Well just think about it, you keep saying nobody knows the pain you're going through....Peeta does. He lost his whole family and all his friends. You still have gale and your mom."


"Katniss I'm your doctor for a reason. Take my advice. I'll talk to you tomorrow, goodbye"

I know he's right. That's why I hate him.

I can't talk to peeta. He still has his flashbacks, I can hear haymitch yelling at him to calm down at night. I bet he hears me screaming at night, haymitch also yells at me. If I go talk to peeta, he could have a flashback and hurt me. Stupid Capitol for hijacking peeta. Stupid president snow. I'm just happy he's dead.

I get lost in thoughts of president snow dying when the doorbell rings.

*ring ring ring*

Who could that be? No one visits me. I go to the door and am instantly shocked.


"Um I was wondering if you had any sugar?"

"Uh yeah, do you want to come in?"

" okay"

I let peeta in and make my way to the kitchen. I don't know how much he needs so I just grab the whole bag. I walk to the living room to see peeta looking at the plant book we made together.

"You made most of those drawings."

"I did?"

"Yeah we both worked on that together."

"Its nice"

I don't know what it is but the way the sun is hitting his golden blonde hair right now, but he looks so peaceful.



"Real or not real. We tried to kill ourselves with nightlock?"

"Real. We were the last two in the 74th hunger games and the game makers wanted only one of us to live so we were gonna eat the nightlock."

" I thought you just gave it to me. There was always this feeling inside that you didn't but then there would be a sudden urge of pain that I would feel."

"That was the Capitol peeta. The real peeta knows I would never hurt him."

"Thank you katniss...oh and for the sugar too."

Then he gives me the most genuine smile I've seen since the Capitol hurt him. My heart sank.

"No problem. If you have anymore questions or need anything, I'll be here."

With that he leaves....Man do I miss the boy with the bread.

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