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I can't sleep. I sit in my bed for what seems like hours. I would go to bed but I know I will have a nightmare. I've had them every night since the war. I need peeta and his big warm arms to protect me. My thoughts are broken when I hear glass shattering.

Instantly I'm out of bed and running outside towards peeta's house. I'm surprised to find the door unlocked. Once I'm inside I see peeta holding his hand and I think maybe a tear running down his cheek. I walk over and grab the first aid kit on the way.

"Here let me help."

"No katniss! You can't be near me right now."

"Peeta, it's alright you won't hurt me and I won't hurt you."

He lets out a smile and gives me his hand. I look directly into his gorgeous blue ocean like eyes and am set in a trance. I see him staring back and managed to choke out a few words.

"What....wha...t happened?"

"Well I was baking bread and I was focusing on something else when it burnt in the oven."

"How did you cut yourself?"

"I was cutting the burnt piece off when I saw you in a vision, you were sitting under a tree looking like you were starving to death. Then I threw you a burnt piece of bread. After that the sudden urge of pain came in and I grabbed the knife to hard so it went straight through the bread....and my hand."

"Oh, well you should be more careful next time."

I don't know why but this makes him chuckle a little. Oh how I've missed that laugh.

"I certainly will next time."

I bandage his wound and clean up the blood on the ground. Just as I'm about to leave peeta speaks up.



"Real or not real? I burnt the bread on prupose and suffered a beat down by my mother to save your life the night in the the vision?"

"Real. I was starving for weeks trying to find food for me and my sister when I came across the bakery and almost collapsed from the starvation. You saw me so week and burnt the bread on purpose and took a beating from your mother to save my life."



"Why....I mean why did I risk being hurt for you?"

"'s a long story."

I can't believe he asked that. I can't believe he doesn't know why. I can't believe he doesn't remember he loved me. I'm embarrassed so much I think about running away right now. I start to make my way to the door when his arm grabs me.

"Katniss please I need to know. I go insane trying to figure out what was between us. Were we friends, enemies, just regular people, or were we together?"

"Well after you saved my life we didn't really talk. We both got picked for the reaping of the 74th hunger games. We used the angle of 'star-crossed lovers' so that we could get sponsors to stay alive we both ended up getting out of the arena and went home but I did something that was out of an act of rebellion. President snow didn't like that so he came to my house and told me we had to act so in love, he wanted us to seem like an actual couple and end up getting married. We weren't believable enough so president snow put us back in the arena and only one of us would come out this time. You swore to yourself I would make it out. We told everyone we were already married and I was pregnant, again for the sponsors. We were one of the very last people and then I got rescued from the rebels also finnick and beete were saved. You and johanna weren't so lucky and president snow got you. I thought you were dead...."

As I finish that sentence a tear escapes my eye. Peeta looks concerned so I have to finish.

"That's how you were hijacked, they tortured you and made you believe I was a mutt made by the Capitol to kill you. We rescued you and Johanna. When you came back you hated me so much you tried to kill me. After the war we were sent back here and now it's this...."


"Yepp...well I think I'll be going now"

"Thanks again katniss, I hope we see each other again."

Suddenly an urge of bravery hits me.

"Oh don't worry about that. This will definitely not be the last you hear from me."

He looks me in the eyes and leans in. Is he about to kiss me...I think so! He's getting closer. We're inches away when I lean in and kiss him, but he leans away and I notice he was just opening the door for me. WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!

"I'm so sorry peeta I was just...."

I'm soon cut off by him talking. He has the biggest smile on his face.

"Oh don't worry about that. It was bound to happen."

"Well goodnight then."

"Um katniss?"



With that he shuts the door and I'm standing there completely shocked. What was he gonna say? What did he mean by it was bound to happen? There's so many questions unanswered that I'm too tired to think of.

I walk up to my room and for the first time in months that I have a a good dream instead of bad. It was about me and peeta on the beach like the day in the arena, except we weren't in the hunger games and we had 3 little children running around. A boy and two little girls swimming and running in the sunlight. We were a family and I never want to wake up. EVER!

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