Todays the Day

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* It's really dark and cold. I cants see anything but a light in front of me. Then I hear a screeching noise that brings pain to me ears. Like that I'm down on the ground. In pain not knowing what happened, I start to crawl to the light. When I find the source of my pain, I quickly wrap my leg up. I was shot with an arrow. Not just any arrow, my arrow. I know this cause its one of the first arrows my father made me, we signed it with our initials. Once my leg is secured I get up and wobble towards the light in hope to escape. I'm almost out of the red when I hear her. The girl I would put my life out on the line for. The girl I've only truly ever loved. The girl that can make me feel like a regular human being. Prim. My prim. I sprint with all the will power in my body to reach her. I'm nearing her when I see she's trapped under a net. I'm by her side starting to cut her free of the net. Once she's out she points to a man with a spear. I turn to see that it's peeta??? Peeta throws the spear at us and I dodge it too quickly. Peeta's runs towards me in anger. He's screaming in pain with those red eyes. The same hijacked eyes that snow caused. I knew that I've lost him and probably won't get him back this time. So I start shooting him with bows. He's invincible, everything thrown at him deflects right off his body. Like he's super. I'm down on the ground from the painful collision. Unable to move I watch as he starts towards me and lifts me up to see my dead sister lying on the ground with a spear through her body. Peeta looks at her then traces his eyes back to me, when he says.

"Too bad your sister isn't here to see this!"

Then he launches his knife into my stomach. Becoming numb from the pain, unable to move, I sit there and watch. I watch as his face transforms into an evil snake. The face of president snow. Just when things couldn't get worse that face starts to spin and change into a girls face. A girl I've never seen before in my life. The girls blonde with blue eyes that have red specks in them. She's average height with a white spring dress on. Her hairs straight down to her mid back with little wave in them. She's gorgeous but also has that malicious grin on her face. She has a necklace on. It's in the shape of a snowflake. There's a name on it too, but just as I'm reaching for it it, she punches me right in the nose!!!! *

I wake in a panting stage of breathing. Unable to think about what just happened. There's a part of me that chooses not to think about it either. I try to go back to sleep but fail miserably. So I decide to start packing for the big trip. I grab a hunter green backpack and begin grabbing sweaters, t-shirts, some pants, and socks. I put in an extra pair of shoes too, just incase the pair I'm wearing tear up. In my side pockets some rope, pocket knife, and a flashlight go in. All I need now are some food and water. Just thinking about it gets my stomach to growl. I trot downstairs to find peeta making breakfast and gale eating it. Just as in turning the corner I catch myself in time and hide behind it so I can listen to then talk. Gale starts the conversation.

"So when are we gonna leave?"

Peeta goes with it sounding like he's known gale forever. It's strange really, them talking like they're friends.

"Whenever she's ready to go, I guess."

"Yupp old catnip still has a sense for adventure, ha she'll do anything she has to to not feel threatened. That's one thing not a lot of people have. Courage."

"Yeah katniss is A LOT of things, but she's courageous for sure. She's also brave and kind and knowledgeable and beautiful and has so much strength as well as spirit and...."

"Okay we get it lover boy she's a lot of things to you. She's also my best friend. I intend to make more out of that but it's not my decision. It's hers and like I said she will choose who she can't live without, but I can make sure that if anybody try's to play her or threaten her, will get crushed and probably killed. Just saying."

"Believe me gale, I would never intentionally hurt katniss. For gods sake I love her, always have and always will. Now I'm not gonna ever leave unless she tells me too. I might not even then. I was there for her when she hurt, when she was in pain and was too weak to even sleep by herself. When she was too scared to be by herself. Me. I was there for her and I will always be there for her. She's my pearl. Thats our relationship. Starts out small and useless, but transforms into something strong and beautiful. Just have to put in the time and effort. The stuff I'm willing to give. So you might not think I'm good for her, but I'm sure as hell not gonna leave her alone. Like someone else did."

"Like someone else?!?!? Are you implying that I'm that person?!?!?! Cause buddy you're way off!!! I've loved her for as long as I've known her!!"

"I loved her before that!!!!"

"Buddy you don't deserve her. Hell she's saved your ass way more than you've made bread!!!! Says a lot when you can't even hunt for her. If you both weren't rich and actually did end up together, you wouldn't be able to support her. Katniss would be the one hunting for food while bakers boy made some burnt bread!!!!"

I decide that this has gone to far and go back up the stairs just to make loud footsteps back down. I turn the corner to see their red faces staring at me. Not knowing what to say I just blurt out random stuff.

"Does it look too cold outside?"

They both look at each other in confusion and peeta answers back.

"Um no not really, but you do know its the middle of July right?"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that. Maybe I just need some food in my system."

"Probably. Oh and I made some pancakes with eggs and bacon. Good start to a long day."

"You all packed up?"

"Yupp me and gale put our stuff in the living room. We're ready when you're ready."

"Okay, I won't be that long anyways. We can leave in like ten minutes."

"No need to rush catnip. We have more than enough time to get to the capital by friday."

There's a long silence while I'm eating. It's awkward and a little disturbing. Both of them staring at me like I'm a prize they're trying to win. Well it's time to use this in my advantage.

"Oh I'm SO thirsty!!!"

"I'll go get you some water!!!"

Peeta is way to excited about it. Just as I think Gale's the more calm one he stands up and speaks.

"No ill go there's no more water here and we need some for the trip. Besides I'm stronger."

Hahahaha okay I think we all no the answer to that one!!! Peeta is so much more stronger than Gale. I would know I've trained with Peeta. Gales out the house within seconds. Now it's just me an lover boy. Oh I hope it doesn't get awkward like yesterday.

"We'll I'm full!!! Thanks for the breakfast Peeta."

"No problem."

"Hey you already told gale about yesterday?"

"Yeah I met him by the shed before he went hunting. I've too him everything."

Peeta goes back to packing food supplies and some medicines in a bag. We don't speak for a good ten minutes until he brings up a topic I don't want to hear.

"Do you think we could do it again?"

" don't know. I mean I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about you and gale, and I just don't..."

"Uh katniss?"


"I was talking about the other thing. You know that involve out 'survival skills' and how we're adults?"

Holly crap!!!! I didn't know that was what he was talking about!?!?!? Now I just seem like an idiot trying to talk about who I love more. How stupid am I? My cheeks are starting to turn red. Feeling embarrassed I try to go with his topic.

"Oh yeah haha I was just joking. Um yeah I think we could. Like you said we've made it out twice. Once more wont kill us."

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