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It was coffee boy.

Brady was coffee boy.

"Are you Brady?" Nev asked once they reached the group.

"Um, yeah. My name is actually Jasper." He replied.

"This is obviously Lennon, the girl you've been talking too." Max nonchalantly said as he pointed the camera towards the blonde.

"We have some questions for you." Nev said. Jasper nodded and led them into the house where they sat on the couch.

"The first question we have is why did you create a fake profile?" Nev asked once they were all settled.

"My parents are very strict, and have never liked the idea of social media, so I use a fake name and picture on all of my social media accounts." Jasper replied, nervousness lacing his voice.

"That's understandable, but why didn't you tell me after a while who the real you was?" Lennon spoke up.

"I'm not sure exactly. Everything was going great and I didn't want to ruin it." Jasper said, giving a good explanation.

"I'm mad you lied, clearly, but I'm a forgiving person and I'm willing to give you a second chance. But, I think we should start as friends. This relationship we had, is over for now. I need time to think." Lennon said standing up. She made her way to the door, Nev following in tow.

"Are you okay?" Nev asked as they sat down on the steps of the doorway.

"Yeah. He's cute. I just need a little space before we jump into things. It's going to take time." She replied. Her knees were brought up to her chest.

"I completely understand. Why don't you go say goodbye, and we'll head back to the hotel. We'll meet up with Jasper again tomorrow. Sound good?"

"Yeah." The two walked back into the house, where Jasper and Max were still sat on that couch.

"We're gonna head back to the hotel, give Lennon some time to think and cool down. Can you meet up tomorrow?" Nev directed toward Jasper.

"Of course." He replied. Lennon was out the door after those words, and was standing by the car as the Nev, Max, and the crew exited the house. They all climbed into the vehicles, and headed back to the hotel.

Lennon jumped onto her bed as soon as she reached her room. She needed a nap. This was all too stressful.


Lennon was awoken from her nap by a knock on the door. She groaned before pulling herself out of her bed, and paced towards the door. She opened it to reveal Max.

"What." She mumbled grumpily, angry for being awoken.

"Turn that frown upside down because we got pizza!" He sung. "Come to Nev and I's room in 5." He said before turning on his heels and speed walking down the hall.

Lennon sighed and walked into the bathroom. She smoothed out her frizzy hair, and then grabbed her phone and made her way to the pizza.

Max must have been standing next to the door, because only two seconds after she knocked the door was open. He had a smile on his face, but when he noticed it was just Lennon his lips turned into a frown.

"Hello to you too." She said as she pushed past him and into the room.

"I thought you were the pizza guy." He retaliated.

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