3: James Lind

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To strengthen my mind – I knew I needed to expand my knowledge. While ignorance was bliss, stupidity was forever. Rose was born intelligent and my parents spend a lot of effort and time in cultivating her into the beautiful princess she was. Unfortunately, I did not get the same attention or care from my parents. Instead of looking at me and finding what I was good at, my parents mold me into another Rose. 

Rose did ballet, so I did ballet. Rose played the piano, so I had to play the piano. Rose loves fine arts, so I was taught how to paint. I thought if I did everything Rose did, my parents would look at me. I thought if I did everything better than Rose, I would surpass her. Instead, I lived an empty life for someone else when I should have live for myself.

Now at 14 again, I will do just that - live for myself. 

This is when my grandfather James Lind comes into play. James Lind is the current head monarch of the Lind family – overseeing the Hotel and Real Estate Empire. As one of the wealthiest, most influential man in the world, he was highly respected and feared at the same time. 

Now I need his power. Yes it's shameless but with the limit to what I can do at my current age, I needed a strong backer. James Lind was that backer and a very difficult one at that. In the past, I never care to interact with the cold business man. If I were to count the amount of times I saw him, I would only need one hand. Although I was his granddaughter, I did not have any way to contact him. Not many people did. Even my father and uncles need to get appointments through his personal secretary in order to meet him. 

It took me over 2 months to finally come in contact with one of his many secretaries and another month before I was able to get an appointment with him. The bitterness of it all was that I was only able to get the appointment because I was related to the man.

When I sat face to face with James Lind, I went straight to the point. The appointment was set for 30 minutes so to waste time brown nosing would do me no good. I told him I needed 10 million dollars for investment and asked that he release the bonds to my trust funds. In order to do what I want, I needed money now. 

I negotiated with James Lind, asking for the 10 million now and I will not ask for the remaining amount in the future. The cold man didn't react to my bold demands – instead, he leaned back in his chair like a king and looked at me with an empty expression. I understood that he did not take me seriously. I was 14 - an ignorant child to him. I had expected for him to have security escorted the crazy little girl out.

"Did you really think there is a trust fund?"

His question surprised me. I hadn't thought that there wasn't any. After all, my father and his brother received theirs. Looking at regal old man before me, I knew the man was serious. In that moment, I felt ashamed. I had made a ridiculous assumption that there was money set aside for me just because I was born in as a Lind. 

"Fine" I refused to back down as I look straight into his eyes. "Loan me 10 million dollars"

His brow rose with amusement. Even his secretary standing at his right side was suppressing laughter into his fist.

"You do realize how stupid you sound" He stated ruthlessly so. "I wouldn't loan 10 dollar to a child much less 10 million"

"In 1 year, I will return 20 million to you"

"And if you can't return the money?" 

"You will have your 20 million" I was confident.

"Why should I trust a worthless child?" He said indifferently.

Once again, I knew the truth to his question. No one would ever trust a child with 10 million dollars. 

"Then let's make a bet. On a game of chess, if I win, you'll loan me 10 million. If I lose, I will never bother you again. That is unless you are afraid to lose to a child"

I purposely taunted him. There was a glass chess board sitting just behind him – letting anyone know the man played.

"If you lose, you will no longer be a Lind. I'll send you straight to the orphanage"

The biggest threat for any Lind was to be taken out of the family. Little did he knew, I no longer care for the name. It had become meaningless to me to be recognized as a Lind.

"Fine by me"

Just like that, I was given a chance to play for 10 million in a chess game. I kept my expression neutral as the secretary looked at me with pity while placing the glass chess board in between my grandfather and me. 

"Make your move"

It was his mistake to let me go first – but I wasn't going to tell him that. No need to tell your opponent your strength. Less than 3 minutes later, I stood up after eating his king.

"I hope you're a man of your words grandfather" I smirked at him. "Please give me an account for 10 million by the end of the week"

Then I turned to his stunned secretary and stuck out my tongue at him for looking at me with pity earlier. I didn't need anyone pity.

"My appointment is up so I won't keep you"

I looked at the old man and beamed a playful smile of a 14 year old child he just looked down on. When I walk out the door, I didn't bother to look back.

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