Chapter Thirteen

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             “You are out of your mind.” Adelbert said seriously looking at Liam directly. They were standing in front of each other surrounded by nothing but white.

            “On the contrary, I am using hundred percent of my intelligence as of the moment.” Liam said with a smile.

            “I don’t see how killing yourself is intelligent. Is that the best solution you could think of to save your cousins, to kill yourself instead?” Adelbert looked away from Liam. “I thought you could do better.”

            “Is that what you think? I think, that, I won, this time.” Liam said with a bright smile. His words made Adelbert turn around to look at him. “I won’t… die.” He said confidently at Adelbert. There was evident conviction in Liam’s voice. “I made sure of that.”

            “I see. You used Cara’s gift, I presume.” Adelbert turned to look at Liam once again.

            “You’re not sure. So you don’t know what I wished for.” Liam wondered to himself.

            “I would not lie. Cara’s gift is personal, it is beyond the grasp and control of any fragments of fate, even Fate itself could not overturn or affect it. So, did you wish not to die after falling from the cliff?”

            “Nope. I wished for something else. But even so, I am sure I would not die any time soon.Because... you wouldn’t let me.” Liam smiled at Adelbert. “Warning me to use my mind more made me realize that you already knew that I would probably die in stead of my cousins. And that’s what you’re trying to prevent from happening.”

            Adelbert only gave Liam a meaningful smile. Liam could feel that Adelbert was trying to hide something. “You are way too confident. You could be dead after this conversation.”

            “I don’t think so. You need me. I just know it.” Liam said those words with full confidence and very brave face. “Whether it is Ethan or Warren that I tried to save, I would still risk my life for theirs, if you keep on trying to kill them, then I would kill my self instead. If either one of them died, I’ll follow them instantly.” Liam said.

            “So be it.” Adelbert said before disappearing into the green light.

            When Liam opened his eyes, he was standing in the hall where he talked to Adelbert a while ago. “What are you doing?” Warren walked closer to him. “Why are out here, don’t you like the party that you organized yourself?”

            Liam’s guess was right. Adelbert wouldn’t let him die. But why?All the things that he said to Adelbert were merely a wild guess, a risk. He didn’t fully believe that he would get the results that he hoped for. It was a great risk that he took, but he doesn’t regret it, because finally some light was shed. A new question was forming in Liam’s head. What could Adelbert possibly want form him? Why does the reason of fate so intent in keeping him alive?

            “I was looking for someone.” Liam said with a smile. He was just too happy to see Warren safe and sound. “But that’s not important, so why don’t we just go inside and have some fun. You’ve missed a lot.”

            Warren touched Liam’s shoulder. “Are you alright? You look kind of… worried.” Warren asked.

            Liam couldn’t exactly say what he was worried about.  He was glad that Warren’s life wasn’t in danger anymore. He was worried, that time, for Ethan. He was worried if weather Adelbert would still try to take his cousin’s life. At that moment his mind was set on stopping Wilson from shooting Ethan.

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