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Kookieater30 minutes ago

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Jimin had his mind set on the fact that what happened today at lunch was a one time thing. He will admit he was a little disappointed. Everyone there seemed friendly, except Nara of course. Jimin had been convinced she was secretly Satan in disguise. He didn't have to look at her to feel the dirty looks she threw at him. It was unsettling, yes but she wasn't talking thanks to Areum. Pretty sure the girl had learned her lesson for opening her mouth around someone who's much more experienced with comebacks. But that would most definitely not be the end of her bitching days, that's for sure.

But Jimin's thoughts were way off course. He had realized if Hoseok continued calling him table boy he would be rushing over to his side so he'd shut up. Because in all seriousness the nickname was plain right embarrassing. And Jimin had taken note every time Hoseok has called out his 'name' he had wanted the boy to sit by him. Like right now for instance.

"Table boy! Come sit by us." All Jimin did was walk through the door of Ms. Jong's classroom and he was being screamed at with his new nickname.

Jimin's cheeks slowly shimmered a pink color along with the tips of his ears as he made his way over to the small group of friends. "Hoseok, how many times must I tell you his names Jimin?" Namjoon scolded the younger.

"Really for a while I thought his name was bitch!?" Nara exclaimed. Her comeback game was the lowest of low it made Jimin want to cry.

"Nara, really?" Yoongi frowned looking at the girl with irritation.

"Takes a bitch to know one." Jimin sighed out sitting next to Namjoon in the very back of the room."

If it isn't already obvious, Nara and Jimin don't get along very well. Really it was a childish game. Monkey see monkey do. But neither seemed to back down from where they stood trying to create some point by obviously not being the bigger person.

"Dude, I swear I've never seen Nara take so many comebacks in one day. Surprised she hasn't broken a vain yet. "Hoseok chuckled taking a seat next to the boy.

"Hoseok shut the fuck up!" Nara hissed hitting the back of the boys head before walking off to find some of her girl friends to talk with.

"Honestly I would say sorry about her, but then that would sound as if she's my responsibility and she's by far anything near my responsibility." Yoongi shook his head.

Nara had been friends with Hoseok and Yoongi since middle school. A threesome like Aruem, Jimin and Taehyung. There were times she would be nice, which might be hard to believe for some. Areum couldn't grasp that fact properly.

Jimin laughed at the other boy's comment. "Understandable."

And so class went on like this. Jimin had found himself having quite a bit in common with the three while he slowly grew more comfortable with them. Even though he still found it odd that all the sudden they wanted him to be around them. Jimin had crossed the thought that this was some set up. But not to be a criticizing person, Hoseok seemed to be a bit too dense to try something like that. In nicer terms, he was really too big a ball of sunshine to even try to experiment something of the sort.

And the others were way too laid back for the scheme, so it wouldn't make sense. Who wouldn't want to be friends with a table boy, was how Taehyung put it, but that earned him a smack in the back of the head.

Areum had suggested to just go with it. She said they could use some new friends even though just the three together was perfectly fine.

But let's jump to the present time shall we?

School, was (after what felt like months upon months) over for the day. The squad of three had made there way to an ice cream shop Areum wouldn't shut up about, so now they were munching on that while roaming around the park.

It was a pretty tasty treat on a warm day. Reminding each of them of the summer that was too far out of reach.


Tf is this!?

My god, this filler short ass chapter sucked dick

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My god, this filler short ass chapter sucked dick. Istg y'all are going to quit reading this after this poor excuse of a chapter.

😥 on a different note, My brain has decided to go full blast with story ideas, and it's not okay. I got a shit load of Yoonmin ideas, 2 Taekook, and one Namjin. Now I wanna cry, because I write stories for my homies too so I'm writing three books rn.

Anddd imma stop complaining because no one actually cares, okay see you in the next chapter👋

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