Special Chapter

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**Gakupo’s POV**

Another day again… But luckily, I don’t have a work today. All free. I turned on the tv and sat at the sofa.

I yawned.

“Hey, can you tell me why you’re always sleepy?”, Kaito asked while wiping the table.

“I can’t sleep well at night…”, I answered.

“Can’t sleep well? Do you have insomnia?” he asked again and reordering the things at the table.

“I guess.”, I said and yawned again.

“You should see a doctor for that.”

“I’m fine.”, I answered and lay down at the sofa.

“There’s nothing wrong if you consult.”, he said.

“I’m fine. Don’t be so worrywart.”

“Then, DIE AS YOU PLEASE!!!!”, he said with pissed expression and went to kitchen.

I sighed. Why does he have to take all seriously? Insomnia won’t kill a person that easily but I guess he’s right… 


After consulting a doctor… It’s almost dinner time when I came back. Kaito prepared the food and now that we’re eating.

“What did the doctor say???”, he curiously asked.

“It’s not that bad.”, I answered.

“That’s good then. At least, you consult.”, he said.

He’s really worried… I can’t stop smiling.

“W-why you’re smiling???!!”, he suddenly said with shock expression.

“Nah. I’m just happy.”

“H-happy??!!!”, he said while shock.

“Because you care of me.”, I answered.

“T-the hell!!!”, he shouted and went to kitchen.

I love his expressions… So adorable… I really want to tease him.


At night…

I really can’t sleep… I made different positions but still can’t… I hate being like this…

“At least, you try to sleep in a different place.”, the doctor said.

“A different place huh???”, I just said to myself.

And after thinking that, I just finally figured it out where it might be…


I know that this is a criminal act, sneaking someone’s room without permission… but I just want to try something new.

“KAITO”, I read in low voice as I saw the flashcard in the door of his room.

But what if he found out I sneak, he’ll be mad!!!

“That’s a different story… But it’s just for this night… If it won’t work, I’ll just go back to my room”, I nod as I said it to myself.

There’s no turning back. I held the doorknob and expecting it’s lock… but… it’s not.

“He’s not closing his door??? What if someone stranger go in when he's sleeping??? This BAKA!” I said to myself with piss.

But I shrugged when soon figuring out that’s what I’m going to do… I just sighed.


After entering…

I’m never been on his room… The atmosphere is so refreshing. I kinda feel sleepy now…

I went to his bed and saw him sleeping quietly. I can’t imagine that someone like him does exist… He’s so cute even in sleeping. I should behave or I’ll wake him up… I sighed softly.

“Hnnnggg”, he moaned. (not sure!!!! What’s the right term!!!! KILL ME NOW!!!! >A<!!!)

“So cute.”, I said in low voice and touched his face. I can't stop smiling.


“Yuma…”, he said with a smile on his face.

I got shock.

Even in sleeping… You’re still thinking about him…


I just wish that someday…

"You’ll say my name in your sleep…

And I will be very happy…”

And cover him the blanket properly. After that, I peacefully lay down on his bed. I smell his pillow and blanket…

“Kaito’s scent and his presence…”, I said to myself…  

“…make me comfortable…”, I continued and closed my eyes.


“Gakupo. Gakupo.”, a voice called me.

“What???”, I said in sleepy tone.

“Wake up. Wake up.”, said the voice and I felt someone’s tapping my arm.

“What do you need???”, I got up and realize that Kaito was awake.

“Why you’re in my room??!!!”, he asked with piss.

“I can’t sleep in my room…”, I answered while still not opening my eyes.

“B-but it’s my room!! You should go back!”, he said.

I lay down again. “Please… Let me sleep here for tonight…”, I said in a pleading tone. “I really can’t sleep there…”, I added.

.... I hope he'll let me...

“O-okay. Just for tonight.”, he emphasized.


“S-sleep well!!”, he exclaimed and cover himself with blanket.

Being with him makes me very happy.


Tomorrow before going to sleep…

“W-why are you here?”, he asked.

“Going to sleep?”, I answered.

“It’s my room.”, he said.

“I know.”, I replied.

But I don’t know… His aura changed to black… with a big, big black!!!!

I shrugged seeing his aura.

“GO SLEEP TO YOUR ROOM!!!!!! I’M THE ONE WHO CAN’T FALL ASLEEP WHEN YOU’RE HERE!!!!!”, he exclaimed and hardly slammed the door.


My &quot;Head Over Heels&quot; Lover (Gakupo x Kaito) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now