Chapter 21

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After two weeks...

Everything was fine. For being busy with Meiko-chan's side, I finally forgotten about my moving out last time. I got depress at first but little by little, I can forget about it now. And I can always see Gakupo at the studio if he has a photo shoot and if Meiko-chan needed him but... we haven't talked to each other since then...

"Kaito.", Lily-san called me.


"How are you?", she asked.

"I'm fine.", I answered.


"Eh? Y-yeah?", I told her. What's with the way of saying like that?

"But you don't look like.", she said.

I got shock.

"You're just imagining things...", I just said to her while laughing softly.

She just smiled a bit. Then, "Want some coffee?", she asked.


She treated me for a coffee.

"Do you like the taste of their coffee???", she asked.

"Yes, I like it.", I answered.

"That's good~~~ I thought you'll not like it.", she said.

S I L E N CE . . .

"I can't see you two like this...", she just said and broke the silence.

I got surprise.

"W-what are saying there, Lily-san?", I just asked.

We're not lovers to have a break up... =___= I'm just his monitor before...

“You... you didn't know this but…"

I shrugged.

"Gakupo didn’t continue his Album Signing after knowing that you’re involved in the accident.”, she just said.

I got shock.

I… I don’t know about that…

“He hurriedly went to you and didn’t mind the long line of his fans…”, she continued.

“I… I didn’t know about that…”, I said with shock.

“Of course, if he told you that, it will just become a half-assed love, right?”, she said.

I got more shock.

"At that time, he did not allow anybody to come near you when you're still sleeping.", she just said. And always blaming himself why you're involved in that accident because... he saw the CD in your bag."

Wait.. Wait!!! I don't think I can take these things for now... They're too many to know...

"That guy... he's boastful and selfish... but to you... he's so masochist.", she said in sad tone. "Always pretending he's fine but not. Always pretending he's high... but not... Always pretending strong... but not... Actually, sometimes you'll get irritated by him but... he's a nice person... A living proof of being a masochist.", she said and laughed softly.


"I.. I really pity him...", she said.

I suddenly stood up.

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU, LILY-SAN FOR TELLING THESE TO ME!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!", I said to her and bowed my head.

"You love him right?", she asked.


I immediately went in to the studio and saw Piko-san while carrying two cans of coffee.

"Piko-san!" I called him.

"Oh! Kaito-san."

"G-goodmorning.", I said.

"Goodmorning too."

S I L E N CE . . .

"Umm... Piko-san, are these for Gakupo?", I asked him.

"Y-yes.", he said with surprise.

"May I give these to him???", I asked him.

"Is it fine?"


"B-but why?"

"Umm.. I have something to talk to him. Where is he?", I asked and got the two cans.

"He's in his room.", Piko-san answered.

"Thank you!!!", I said to him and walked away.

"But with -", he added but I didn't hear all of it.


And when I get there...

How can I face him?...

What am I going to say?!!!

Badump Badump Badump Badump

AAARRRGGHH!!! I'm so nervous!!!


I heard something...

"I always like Gaku-san from the start...", a voice said.


W-who's talking to him???

Who's talking with Gakupo??!

Then, I slowly opened the door of his room and saw...

"Please... go out with me...", he added and gave Gakupo a kiss.

I got shock.



From my shock, the two cans slipped from my hands.

The two were startled and immediately looked to me.

"I... I'm so sorry... I-I'm so sorry for disturbing you... E-excuse me...", I said in shaky voice and started to walk away.





Is this for real???...







Yuma has feelings for Gakupo???!!!!!

My "Head Over Heels" Lover (Gakupo x Kaito) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now