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**Kaito’s POV**

We have a date! ^_____^)J

So excited!!!!!

He’s always busy and it’s hard for us to go outside because he’s really a well-known person in the society… =________=”

And oh! He won again as the Best Artist of the Year and gave me his trophy. >////<)


We went at the park.

“Sorry for the wait.”, I said to him.


He’s pissed… =______=

“What took you so long???”, he just said with pissed.

“Of course, they have to cook the hotdog thoroughly.”, I answered and gave him the hotdog sandwich.

He got it and sighed.

And I sighed as well but…

I just looked at the kid in front of us.

“Who is he?”, I asked Gakupo.

“I don’t know. He’s just looking at me for all the time.”, he muttered.

So that’s why???... He’s all irritated because of this kid???... =______=”

“Do you want?”, I offered him my sandwich.

He shook his head.

“Big Bro, is he Kamui Gakupo?”, the kid just asked.

S I L E N CE . . .


“K-Kamui Gakupo???”, a person just said and went to us.

“Eeehhh??? Gakupo???!!!”, another person said.

I gulped.

“Kyaaahhh!!!! HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, a girl just screamed.

Then, I felt a strong hold in my arm.

“Come on!!!”, he just said and pulled me with him.

We ran so fast.




Until we’re not able to see those people who followed us...

We panted so hard but… we didn’t notice that all the time of running, we’re holding each other hands tightly.

We smiled to each other.

“Sorry. I ruined this date.”, he apologized.

“It’s fine.”, I just said.

Then, I just saw a photo booth near a bench.

“Gakupo, can we try that photo booth?”, I said to him and pointed the said booth.

We still don’t have our photo together… We’re so hopeless… Very different couple…

“No prob.”, he answered.



WHAT KIND OF PHOTO BOOTH IS THIS???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF THE THEMES WERE ALL WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMMIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The couple theme has “Boyfriend and Girlfriend” words written!!!! WHO’LL BE THE GIRLFRIEND THEN???!!!!!

If we choose friendship theme, there’s this “Friendship” words written!!!!! WE’RE NOT FRIENDS!!!!!

My &quot;Head Over Heels&quot; Lover (Gakupo x Kaito) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now