Chapter 8

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Washing my mouth at the comfort room…

“What came out in his mind to do that?!!”, I repeatedly said to myself. His insane! So insane!!!!

Arrgghh!!! I still feel his lips!!!! I wipe again my lips. It won’t disappear!!!! What’s wrong with him???!!! Got carried away by the kiss???

But he… He got my first kiss

All of unusual feelings just rise up… What is this???!!!...

And the warm on my face was still there and doesn’t disappear… I washed my whole face.

How can I face him now???!!! HOW???!!!


Am I going back to the room or not??? What should I do?... I sighed.

Maybe I’ll just stay here for a while… I sat on a bench beside the vending machine (still inside the company’s building). It’s located at the very corner to become a place to have a break time. And luckily, I’m just the only one there.

 Now, all I have to do is to clear my mind. Yeah… I closed my eyes and start clearing my mind. Clear my mind… Don’t think about him… Just clear your mind… Clear your mind, Kaito… Clear your –

“Can we talk?”, a voice suddenly said.

I opened my eyes and saw Gakupo.

EEEHHHHHHHHH???!!!!! “W-why you’re here???”, I immediately said after seeing him. “You have a photo shoot right???!”, I added.

“Let’s talk.”, he answered.

“W-what are we going to talk???”, I just looked away.

“Just come on.”, he insisted.

“I… I want to be alone…”, I insisted too.

“It won’t take too long.”

“Please… Leave me alone…”, I said to him and lowered my head.

S I L E N C E . . .

He sighed. “I really don’t know why I fell for a guy who’s much stubborn than me.”, he suddenly said and grabbed my arm.

“H-hey!!! Gakupo!!!!”, I hardly said. “Where are we going???!!!”, I added and trying to let go of my arm from his hold.

“Just shut up.”, he just said.

Here he goes again… Acting like a boss even he’s the one who’s in fault!!! “Will you please stop!!!”, I exclaimed. “I’m not your thing to act as if I belong to you! You don’t own me and I have the rights to do whatever I want!!!”, I hardly said.

He just stared me with a serious expression.

Badump Badump Badump Badump

What’s with the look??? My heart won’t stop in beating so fast. SHUT UP, HEART!!!

“I-I want to be alone… I don’t know how I can normally talk to you after that… Please…”, I said and lowered my head.



He lowered his hold on my arm and now, he’s holding my hand. He kissed it and put it against his right cheek.

I got shock.

 “I’m… I’m so sorry for scaring you…”, he said in low voice and his eyes were reflecting sadness and sincerity.

“Gakupo…”, I said in myself. It looks like he didn’t really intend to do that to me. I sighed. “Gakupo.”, I said his name.

“Yes?”, he asked. “Are you going to forgive me?”, he added.

I kicked his right leg and he rubbed it immediately.

“HUH??!!!!”, he said with piss and still rubbing his aching leg. “I’m sincerely saying that I’m sorry and this is what I’ve got???!!!”, he added.

I smiled. “I forgive you, moron!”

“Really?”, he asked like being so surprise.

I nodded.

“I’m really sorry. I’m really really sorry! “, he said again.

“I said it’s fine. You should go back to your shoot.”, I just said.

“Well…” he worriedly said and looked away.

“Well what??”, I asked him clueless.

“I escaped them.”

“Oh~ You escape them. It’s fine.”, I suddenly said. WRONG!!!!!!!!! “Wait?!!! What???!!! You escape them??!!!! GAKUPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”, I shout at him so hard.

“Because I worriedly looked for you…”, he reasoned out.

AAARRRGGGHHH!!!! I’m dead if Meiko-chan will know about this!!!! *facepalm*
"Don't you dare telling that it's my fault!!!!!", I hardly shout at him.

“Nah. Don’t think about them. Come on.”, he eagerly said and grabbed my arm.

“H-hey!!! I’m not agreeing to you yet!!! Hey! Gakupo!!”, I hardly said. I suddenly felt a warm on my face.

He just laughed.

He’s more stubborn than I am….

We’re walking to the main lobby to go out.

“I won’t run. Can you just remove your hold???”, I said to him.

He didn’t answer but just tighten up his hold.

“Hey! I mean it. Gakupo!”

And as soon as we arrived at the main lobby, we used to cover our faces using our other hands. “Why I’m doing this with him???!!!”, I said to myself with piss and sighed.

But when we’re near at the main door, suddenly, someone called him.

“Gaku-san?”, a voice said.

Gakupo was stopped in his walk and I bumped to his back. “Hey! Why you suddenly stop???!!!”, I said to him with piss.

He did not answer back.

Huh???! What’s wrong with this guy??? “Gakupo???”, I called him but he didn’t respond. I just decided to look at his front and saw a guy who has a pink hair and wearing a casual clothe holding a big suitcase.

I got so shock.

Finally... I met this person, personally. My heart felt happiness…

My "Head Over Heels" Lover (Gakupo x Kaito) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now