Chapter 17

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It’s been three days since our last fight… and we haven’t talked to each other yet…


Arrghh!! I don’t want to remember that!!!

I sighed. I’m the worst person…

And here we’re stuck in this place for almost three days too for his new MV…

I don’t know if I still have a mouth… I just keep on nodding or shaking my head…

“What are you doing there, Kaito-san?”, Gumi-chan suddenly asked me. She’s Gakupo’s partner in this project. Such a lovely girl…

I startled. “Ah! Umm.. I’m just drawing something… It’s nothing…”, I nervously said to her. Wow, I still have a mouth.. =___=

“Then, what are you drawing there???”, she asked again and sat at the opposite chair in front of me.

 “No.. No.. I-it’s nothing…”, I said and covered my drawing.

“Come on now.”, she said and grabbed my paper.

“G-Gumi-chan!”, I called her shyly.

“It’s an ice cream.”, she said with surprise.

“Uhh… Yeah… It’s been three days since I haven’t eaten an ice cream…”, I said to her with sad tone.

“Oww… Poor Kaito-san then…”, she said.

Well… if you ask… We’re shooting in a forest somewhere near the mountain… So definitely, NO ICE CREAM!!!!

“What are you two talking there?”, Lily-san said while walking toward us with Kai Kim. He’s one of the characters in Gakupo’s song too.

“It’s about Kaito-san’s favorite ice cream.”, Gumi-chan answered. She doesn’t have to say that… =___=”

“LOL There’s no convenience store here, Kaito!”, Lily-san said while laughing.

>___> I know, Lily-san… I know…


“Gumi, Kai, the director’s calling us. We’re going to start again.”, Gakupo called Gumi-chan and Kai-kun. He did not bother to look at me… I guess he’s still angry…

I should apologize soon…

And when they left…

“Something wrong?”, Lily-san asked me suddenly.


“It’s just the two of you and then, you’re not talking to each other for this whole shooting???…”, she said. She noticed us…

“It’s nothing, Lily-san…”, I answered and looked away.

She smiled. “You know… sometimes we don’t know if how many times we stabbed those people who love us but…”

I got shock.

“…it’s the best to be loved.”, she continued.


“Come! Let’s watch their shoot! I want to see my cute Kai too!”, she said and pulled me.

And then, we watched their shoot and they did all their best.

It’s the best to be loved??? Maybe?


My "Head Over Heels" Lover (Gakupo x Kaito) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now