Half A Heart - Part 4

978 26 9

                                                                If you could spare an hour or so,

                                                             We'll go for lunch down by the river

                                                                    We can really talk it through

Soon, it was time for the boys to be picked up, and Paul came in early to check on them all. The boys were all sat around a table in the hotel, with Niall's brother Greg, who had popped in to see Niall and the boys whilst they were in Dublin. The boys went quiet as Paul walked in, half expecting to see their other bandmate behind him, but when no one followed, they all visibly relaxed, especially Harry, who moved to lean against Niall in relief. 

"Morning boys, you all ready to go then?" Paul asked, trying to avoid the ultimate question on everyone's mind.

"Ready as we will ever be I suppose."

"Good. Well...." Paul said, knowing they wanted to ask.

"How is he?" Niall asked quietly, speaking the question on everybody's mind, especially Harry's, who was now clinging to his arm.

"He's.... coping. Yeah, he's ok..." Paul answered, but his tone of voice showed his resistance at telling the truth.

"Is he... in the car?" Liam asked, and Paul nodded, as Niall took Harry into his arms, knowing that Harry could never cope seeing Louis upset.

"Yeah, he's in the back, waiting for you all. He's missing you all, especially you, Harry. I know you are all a bit upset with him at the minute, and it's definatly called for, but please, don't push him out. He's really sorry for what he's done, and he's spent a lot of time this morning.... punishing himself for it. So please. I'm not asking you to forgive him, especially you Harry, but just don't have a go again. That's all I ask."

All of the boys nodded, even Harry, as they began to walk to the car, and Greg said his goodbyes and left. Harry started crying into Niall's shoulder, and Niall held him tightly, stopping behind with him whilst the other boys walked on.

"Hey, Hazza, look, you can do this"

"No I can't Niall. I just can't. You know I can't stand seeing Louis upset, and you know I'd forgive him as soon as he says sorry. How can I sit in there and not be with him? He obviously doesn't want to be with me, him leaving told me that much."

"Well look. Why don't you sit away from him, but just don't ignore him? You know, give him some space, but show him you still care. Ok?"

"Yeah ok" Harry replied and gave Niall another hug, before walking to catch up with the boys again, who were waiting outside the car.

When they reached them, Paul shot them all a small smile, before slowly sliding the door open, to reveal a scared, crying Louis inside, the tears running silently down his face as quickly lifted his gaze to look at the boys, before looking back down at the floor, unable to look at them all after what had happened. Harry had been hidden from Louis' vision, but Harry had been able to see him clearly. It broke his heart to see Louis so broken, and he nearly ran into the car there and then and wrapped Louis up in his arms, totally disragading everything that had happened. The only think that stopped him, was Niall holding onto his arms, stopping him from moving at all. 

The boys began to climb in, but they all sat in different places to usual, due to the currrent situation. Liam and Zayn didn't want to sit together, because they didn't want to upset the other, so Liam sat on one side with Paul, and Zayn sat next to Louis, being as he and Louis were currently the closest. Then, Niall and Harry got in last and closed the door, before sitting together on the seats opposite Zayn and Louis. 

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