Control Me

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It was needless to say that the night wasn't in the top 10 nights the boys have ever had. 

Liam was forced to take pictures pretending to be Sophia's boyfriend, whilst Zayn watched on, unable to do anything for his boyfriend, who loked like he was being put through torture.

Louis and Harry were split by management, told to stay apart on stage, the watchful eyes of the new security on them, with piercing gazes and whispers through their ear pieces every time they got too close.

Liam and Zayn weren't split, but Liam was forced again to answer a Twitter question about his new girlfriend, telling the 50,000 fans that he and Sophia were very happy together, and that they had been together for a while, but didn't want to annouce it too early. 

As for Niall and Josh...? Well they hadn't figured out about them yet, and a subconcious decision between the boys made them want it to stay that way. As far as others were concerned, Niall was single and straight, he just hadn't found his lucky lady yet, and for that, Niall and Josh were thankful. They were avoiding all of the drama whilst the other boys suffered, but watching them suffer wasn't easy, and there were plenty of hugs from Niall for them all throughout the show.

By the time they got back into the comfort of their own rooms, they were all stressed and wound up, and the tension was thick in the air. The couples clung to eachother for dear life, relieving the stress in the ways they knew how, alongside plenty of cuddles and tears, the weight of it weighing down on them heavily. 

Thank god it was their last night in London....


The next morning, they were woke by loud knocks at their door from Col, at just 6am, with them having to travel to Nottigham for 9 for a Capital FM interview. They skipped breakfast, the tiredness just adding to their stress from the previous night, making them ratty and irritable, not an ideal state to be going to an interview in.

They rushed to pack their bags, get dressed and washed and ready for half 6, when they stumbled into their tour bus, hoping that they could catch a bit more rest, but were met with a nasty shcok.

In the sitting area of the bus, were the new management team, each with a stack of papers and a lot of other things. They were ordered to sit down, as they slumped down on the sofa, ready to listen to whatever they had in store for them, whilst trying not to fall asleep.

"So then boys, hello, I'm Masie, and I'll be your new manager.Yes, Simon is still the boss here, but overall, he just agrees with whatever I say, so really there's no point even trying to fight it, because it won't work. So, as you can guess, we are a little more old fashioned than the old ones, and this...

She said, pointing to the 2 couples either side of Niall,

"Is not something we approve of. However, we undertsand that no, we can't control your personal lives, but we can control your media lives. Therefore, this is our new plan. Liam, as you can guess, you will be dating Sophia Smith. You've been dating 4 months, she's the love fo your life, and whilst in London, you will be living with her at her London flat. Zayn, the fans seemed to love the idea of you and Perrie being together, so we've set up an arrangment with her that you two will be re-concilling soon, and will also move in together, as well as getting engaged."

At this,Zayn sat up ready to debate.

"Haha, I'm not exactly sure she would have agreed to that. I'm not letting you force her to fake date me!" Zayn argued, to which he recieved a smirk.

"Ah well you see, that's where you are wrong. You see, she did indeed say no at first, but when we explained that if she didn't do it, they you would have to split up from Liam and date another girl, she was quickly persuaded. Right, so, anyway, you two are sorted, and so now it's to you two, Harry and Louis. Harry, we've noticed that you and Nick Grimshaw get on well, so we've arranged for him to be closer to you more, to switch the rumours from Louis to him, whilst Louis, you will also be getting back with Elenor. And, as for you Niall, just.... keep being normal. You are to stick to these stories in the interview later and all interviews to come, and your relationships will be made public soon. You are all dismissed. "

The boys sat there in shock whilst the new managers tottered off to the back, and took in what they had said.

Would they be able to pull off the set of lies?

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