Take Me Home

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The weeks following the end of the tour were hectic, to say the least. The boys had forgone recording their next album halfway through the tour, with Harry and Louis unable to stay in the same room for long, and them being unable to record without them both. They had 4 songs recorded for the new album, Rock Me, They Don't Know About Us, recorded before Harry and Louis broke up, as a way of subtly coming out, C'mon C'mon, written about Harry's many club ventures, curtosy of Nick's stories, and Little Things, which was Zayn and Liam's song to eachother. The rest of the songs had been written, and they had all seperatly perfected their parts, but the album was due out in 2 months time, and they still had to record them as a group, another 16 tracks. This meant they would have to spend every day in the studio to get it finished, as well as recording and relasing a music video and single in a month, and doing various TV shows and interviews.

And the main problem? Harry and Louis weren't talking again.

Harry wouldn't accept Louis' reason for leaving him, and the first day in the studio was spent with the boys trying to stop their argument, with Zayn sticking up for Louis, and Harry consequently falling out with him aswell, saying that if Louis really cared then he would have stopped and taken management's rath, instead of giving up like before. Louis knew he was right, he should have stopped, but he was still too scared, so when Harry gave him the ultimatum, come out with him or they were over for good, Louis ran off, and Harry took his answer as over for good, and Harry locked himself in his hotel room, while Louis sat outside, phone in hand, ready to post a tweet.

Since then, they had actually managed to stay in the studio for 10 hours a day, but the tension was unbearable most of the time. Louis kept trying to talk to Harry, tell him what he had chosen, but Harry kept walking off when he came near, and the boys sent sympathetic smiles Louis' way, not wanting to get involved when Harry was actually talking to them and opening up. Harry had gotten better over the course of the 6 weeks, but he still wouldn't listen, but by the time they finished recording the last song, he had managed to stay in the room and stand near to Louis for the whole time, and Louis had backed off a little, hoping that Harry would eventually listen to him, but not wanting to push him.

The day after the last recording session, the boys had an interview, the first live one they had done since before they had broken up, and they were scared. The interviewer would no doubt end up asking something awkward, and they were too scared to talk it out, too afraid of causing an argument before, so by the time they were called out, they were more nervous than ever before, and the seating arrangement didn't help, with a 3 seater sofa for the 5 of them, and both Louis and Harry ended up in the middle. Next to eachother.

Niall slipped in next to Harry and Liam next to Louis, and they were forced closer together, so Harry flung one arm over the back of the sofa behind Louis and kept one on his lap, and Louis subconciously lent into him. Harry tensed at first, but then Zayn was stood behind him, rubbing his shoulders, and he relaxed, and despite the situation, he felt more at ease than he had for months.The clapping subsided, and the interviwer turn to them, and this was it.

Interviewer; So then, good morning boys! How are you? Thankyou for joining us today!

Liam; We're good thanks, thankyou for asking us to come on the show!

Interviewer: The last time we saw you boys was on your last shows on the Up All Night Tour, and since then you've disappeared! What have you been up to?

Zayn: We've been busy recording our new album in the studio, and we put the final touches to it yesterday!

Interviewer: Oh really? Well we can't wait to hear what you have got! Is there anything particular about this album that you can tell us?

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