Ignorance and Bliss - Part 1

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The boys alarms blared at them to wake them up at 5:30 am on the Thursday morning, and as much as they blindly tried to hit them and shut them up, they all finally scumbered to their purpose, and dragged themselves from their beds, attempting to ready themselves for the day ahead. They dressed, washed, showered, not necessarily in that order, and bounded down stairs to meet Paul at breakfast at 6am, and to their surprise, they had beaten him.

Meanwhile, up in Paul's room, he had forgotton to set his alarm off, and it was actually the shouts of "Hey, give me my phone back!" from the band members which woke him up, and he walked over to the door to see what was going on.

"Boys, what the hell are you all doing up this early? Just remember, there are other people above us" Paul said, and the band immediately stopped shouting and turned to face Paul.

"Sorry Paul, we thought you would be awake. We didn't think about the others"

"It's like half past 2 in the morning. Why on earth would I be awake?"

"Erm... Well actually, it's half past 6... and I thought I heard the boys say you had an interview at 8?"

"Haha very funny, you can't trick me"

"No Paul.. It really is half past 6" Said another voice from behind him, and he turned to see the other 6 boys all stood behind him, with Zayn being the one to have spoken.

"It can't be? I set my alarm for 5?" Paul questioned, and Zayn clicked his phone on and showed Paul the time, now 6:35.

"Oh, shit, sorry boys!" Paul sweared, and the boys gasped at the sound of it.

"It's fine. You get ready, and we'll meet you in the tour bus with Lou then" Harry said, and they waved to the others before 5 of them turned back to the lift, getting in and going to meet Lou, whilst Josh went to the others.

By 7am, Paul was running from the building, all suited and booted, and joined the boys in the bus, who were all made up and ready for the interview already.

"Actually, this is a much better idea! It saves rushing on the way there!" Lou said, and Paul went bright red, knowing it was his fault they had to do it this way round.

"Yeah, sure, whatever you think" He replied, and the boys giggled, not used to seeing Paul, the "hard man" so flustered and worked up over being late.

They set off for the Radio 1 studio, and arrived on time, having a tour around the building before their interview. They sat in a different order, Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn, due to the absence of cameras, and got comfortable. Finally, Grimmy turned to them and their mics were turned on, all ready for their first radio interview to start.

(Note – all speech is in italics for the interview, for this one and the Cosmo one, and all actions and in normal text)

Nick Grimshaw – And now, for all of your fans delight, we have some very special guests in the studio with us today. Yes, they are here, it's One Direction!

All 5 – Hello!

Nick – So then boys, it's been a year since X-Factor, when nobody knew you, and you are now sat here with a debut number 1 album and single, just 12 months later! How does that feel? Did you expect that?

Niall – No, no way did we. When we got knocked out of X Factor last year, we knew we would stay in touch and probably sing together again, but never ever did we expect that we would even get signed, never mind make a number 1 album.

Nick – Yeah, because you got signed like 2 weeks afterwards didn't you?

Liam – Yeah, it was a total shock to us all. We had no idea that Simon was going to sign us.

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